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  1. Remember the Lousville Adidas "Rainbow Guts" uniforms? They're baaack. They were worn in a win over Vanderbilt on Tuesday. https://www.cardchronicle.com/2021/5/5/22421714/capacity-upgrade-approved-for-home-louisville-baseball-games
  2. I really, really hope that a north Jersey minor-league team doesn't rename itself "Disco Fries" for a promotion!
  3. +100 for the Richard Scarry reference. His illustrations were "Where's Waldo" years before that series began!
  4. These are spectacular! Kind of reminds me of when Hudson Jeans Co. came out with these.
  5. In New York, you could have gone to Gerry Cosby's. But I also do wonder if these maaaaaaay have been a prototype for when the Rangers went to the crest in 1976?
  6. Agreed. I like the K-Town Bobbers (the intersquad nickname of the Kenosha Kingfish) which has a cool red and powder blue scheme and I like the caps.
  7. Or how about a new trend -- the 10 or so teams who broke out some version of the Tequila Sunrise jersey last year? In 2019, we had: Fayetteville Woodpeckers, Tulsa Drillers, New Hampshire Fisher Cats, Hartford Yard Goats, Everett AquaSox, Reno Aces, Pensacola Blue Wahoos, Mobile BayBears, the Kenosha Kingfish, and two from the Round Rock Express. We also saw the Albuquerque Isotopes give away a purple Rainbow Guts jersey but on a day the team wore their Sunday reds. Adding to the Tequila Sunrise for Tequila Sunrise's sake in 2020 are the Savannah Bananas (a wooden-bat summer league team).
  8. FYI: I got a phone call from the Bananas organization saying that my order from their team store is coming in a few days. To wit: their Rainbow Guts jersey: https://thesavannahbananas.com/product/fandesignjersey/ Wonder what would happen if Savannah and Peninsula wear their 'Bows in the same game (yeah, I know. It's been a minute since Peninsula wore them).
  9. In FIFA Road to World Cup '98, Argentina's road uniforms are purple instead of navy. I never understood how EA could have made such a fundamental error.
  10. FC Barcelona has had ridiculously-colored "change" strip for years -- yellow, green, pink, light blue, even salmon. Check this Google gallery: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS817US817&biw=1258&bih=783&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=c3BpXZnbB-i9ggfJh4rQCQ&q=barcelona+third+jersey&oq=barcelona+third+jersey&gs_l=img.3..0i30l2j0i5i30j0i8i30l3.33120.34672..34928...0.0..0.90.687.12......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0j0i24.8rUO8ZEIKJs&ved=0ahUKEwjZ4OKAoqvkAhXonuAKHcmDApoQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
  11. The Peninsula Pilots (Coastal Plain League) appear to have a new alternate navy jersey with an outline of the Commonwealth of Virginia and a large P coming out if it: They had the Tequila Sunrise a few years back, but it seems to have disappeared, even though staff last year wore an interesting cap with the outline of an F-14 filled in with gaudy stripes like that jersey. https://twitter.com/PeninsulaPilots/status/1002775155284824064
  12. I'd like my neighbors to the north to go to that uniform design. It is incredibly nice. I can't really complain about American national team designs. The Team USA soccer team kits since about 2003 are nice (though the crest could use some work). The Team USA baseball team has an awesome design. USA Hockey and USA Basketball both have crappy logos, but at least those logos have ceased appearing on the uniforms. I personally think that all Team USA teams should use a touched-up and modernized version of this logo: but that's just my (probably unpopular) opinion. Actually, I think you're going to see something like that this time around ... After what's happened with the soccer and ice hockey teams not being allowed to use their federation wordmarks, I think you're going to see these on a lot more jerseys this time around.
  13. I know. www.dafont.com/submit.php Oh, duh. Thanks!
  14. Uploading fonts? Dafont.com? (sorry, I don't know what RapidTrak is; all I got on Google was some linear accelerator. But Dafont.com is the best place for (free) fonts, if that's what you're asking. I want to upload, not download.
  15. I haven't had the stomach to bust through 39 pages of questions and answers, so forgive me if this has been covered already. After looking through a fistful of floppy disks (remember those?) last night, I have re-installed Fontagrapher on my old Quadra and have done a smattering of retouching/shaping to create a sans-serif font which will mimic the writing on some of the infamous Rainbow Guts jerseys -- i.e., Houston Astros from 1975-1992, Tuscon Toros from roughly 1983-1992, and the Asheville Tourists from about the same era. In addition, I had created two fonts about 10 years ago, one called Polo Grounds and one called Fenway, which uses typefaces from old Gold Medal Sporting Goods catalogs. These fonts mimic the New York/San Francisco Giants (and the Pirates, kind of) as well as the Boston Red Sox. I know that there are some fonts out there that do the trick already (Bosox, TGI-Friday, Saloon), but these use the shape of actual sporting-goods catalogue letters. Now, aside from RapidTrak, where can I do some uploading?
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