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Safiria (Carl's imaginary country) 2.0


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This thread will be the non-sports graphical design repository for my concountry Safiria. It's a very very large ongoing project with no definite end, so stuff could pop up here at any time.


The flag is a 2:1 horizontal tricolor of green, white, and blue.


The three bands of the flag come from the three major countries on the Safirian subcontinent in the centuries preceding Unification:

  • Green for the Union of the Royal City of Qalani, in the north and northwest
  • White for the Queendom of Umaront, in the northeast and center
  • Blue for the City of Aňira and its territories, in the south

Coat of arms

The coat of arms depicts a dragon coiled around a compass rose (representing the expansive Safirian star empire), topped with the Imperial Crown and supported by two safir angels.



This map shows the Safirian mainland on the planet Daia, approximately 7,500 light-years from Earth.


The Empire as a whole has a population of approximately two billion; of these, 225 million live on the mainland, which comprises 8.9 million square kilometres.

Conworlds: Safir Alliance | Hoennverse


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