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Editable 6 Team schedule maker?


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So I was not sure where to put this but it's sports related so I figured here for now. I'm looking for a free editable 6 team round schedule maker, I can't seem to find one that I can edit, that my problem, like I want to edit the last week of the season but randomly generate the other 4 weeks...is there such a tool out there?

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Write down your week 5 schedule:

Mets vs Islanders

Giants vs Panthers

Astros vs Expos

Then just use this generator or one like this one


Instead of putting the 6 team names in, call them A, B, C, D, E, and F. The last week's schedule will be something like

C vs A

F vs D

E vs B

Mets become team C, Islanders become team A, Giants become F, Panthers D, Astros E, Expos B.

Semi-random schedule achieved.

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