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3 minutes ago, Chromatic said:

It doesn’t have to be a complete departure, but it should be different enough from the main set to warrant being it’s own look. Otherwise it just ends up looking like a great value brand version of the original.


And my argument is that that's ok. I'm not saying it's the only way to go, but I'm fine with the Islanders doing what they did. I don't particularly like the design, but the fact that it isn't orange with a cool fisherman logo isn't my issue with it.

I'm Danny fkn Heatley, I play for myself. That's what fkn all stars do.

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At the risk of annoying the other posters in this thread, I just want to clarify a few points:



As to your point, I admit I'm at a loss. You miss the sort of designs we got in 1995 but don't want the actual uniforms from 1995? If I'm misrepresenting your opinion it's not on purpose. Help me understand what it is you're saying.


I don't miss the third jersey designs from 1995, I miss the spirit of experimentation they represent. That's the gist of what I'm trying to get at. Across the board it seems like most teams in the NHL have become very averse to taking risks (I would love it if folks like @andrewharrington could weigh in on this). Instead we are treated to repeated permutations of the same stable of designs. Even when teams try something new they seem to do so very cautiously, opting for wordmarks or adaptations of existing logos or themes. 


4 hours ago, Ice_Cap said:

That's a fine line though, isn't it? Experimentation can, and often does, result in failure. And part of the process of failure is learning what not to do again.


Experimentation is all about iteration. You try something, you don't get the results you were expecting, you modify your experiment, you try again. Failure doesn't mean that something can't or wont work, it just means that it didn't work under the conditions of that particular experiment. I would even go so far as to argue that every major design "failure" that gets mentioned in these conversations (Mooterus, Buffaslug, Robosperm, etc.) contained the potential for a truly great design. For example: the idea of incorporating a constellation into the Dallas Stars identity is brilliant, but the design itself was forced and the incorporation of red was an unnecessary dilution of the brand. The failure was one of execution, not concept, and walking away from it completely is like throwing the baby out with the bath water.


4 hours ago, Ice_Cap said:

What I think you see today is the natural result of failed experimentation. You experiment with a bold look, maybe it's unique, but if it doesn't take? You avoid doing something like that again.


I think this is where we part ways ideologically. What does it mean for something to "take"? There are so many factors that can contribute to whether a design is embraced by a community (the performance of the team being a big one) that it's foolish to assume that a design's popularity is in any way a reflection of it's aesthetic merits. 


4 hours ago, Ice_Cap said:

Are you suggesting that professional designers are incapable of appreciating the aesthetic traditions of their clients? If that is the case stay away from my Maple Leafs please :P


I can't speak for other designers, but I'd love nothing more than to slaughter every single sacred cow. History is a crutch. Rather than looking at what could be, everything becomes an exercise in how to reiterate what has already been said and done. 


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1 hour ago, Thaumatrope said:

I can't speak for other designers, but I'd love nothing more than to slaughter every single sacred cow. History is a crutch. Rather than looking at what could be, everything becomes an exercise in how to reiterate what has already been said and done. 

I find that very limiting, to be perfectly honest. If the best design is in the past? Go with it. Don't cut out potentially the ideal choice to chase an overthought design philosophy. 


Look, I'm sure you could think of any number of ways to do something "fresh" and "modern" with the Maple Leafs' unis. And I'm sure some of those ideas would look great in a vacuum.

Problem is, it's not what Leafs fans want. I mean it's really not. Go on about history being a "crutch" all you want, but most Leafs fans like the classic styling the team has. And given their financial situation? I don't think their "stagnant" brand is holding them back.


"History is a crutch" is the sort of philosophy that sounds good in a classroom or pitch meeting, but it really doesn't work once you start taking the fanbases into account. Most fans of teams with "classic" looks like said looks. Leafs fans will riot if you do anything too drastic with their team. As will Habs fans. And Yankees Fans. And Packers fans.

You can lament this if you like, but we're not wrong. Team history is an important part of it as fans, and we don't like seeing it disrespected for the sake of a branding philosophy that didn't take our team and city into account.


1 hour ago, Thaumatrope said:

What does it mean for something to "take"? 

I'm glad you asked...


1 hour ago, Thaumatrope said:

For example: the idea of incorporating a constellation into the Dallas Stars identity is brilliant, but the design itself was forced and the incorporation of red was an unnecessary dilution of the brand. The failure was one of execution, not concept, and walking away from it completely is like throwing the baby out with the bath water.

...well here we go. The Mooterus concept didn't "take." It was hated by Stars fans from almost the moment it was unveiled. The team even made fun of it, putting it on a guy wearing a horse mask for an April Fools "new jersey unveiling" stunt.

My point is that it was a look soundly rejected by the team's paying customers. Could a constellation logo work for the Stars? Yeah. No reason it can't. The one they went with poisoned the well so badly, however, that it's no wonder they don't want to try again. The Mooterous is probably the franchise's biggest branding error in their history. Why would they want anything even vaguely associated with it? The very idea becomes tainted. Not in the minds of the team, but in the minds of the fans. Which makes the idea untenable for the team.


1 hour ago, Thaumatrope said:

I think this is where we part ways ideologically.

I have no ideology. I'll be upfront with that right now. The closest I have to an "ideology" is that I think a team ought to look good. Experimentation and creativity mean next to nothing if the end result looks hideous.


That might seem shocking to you. That might seem like I'm trying to piss you off, or insult your point of view. Maybe you think it's charmingly naive in a certain condescending way. And hey, if that's how you feel? I can't stop you (though I will say I'm not trying to piss you off or insult you. I merely disagree).


What I'm saying is that ideally? Every team ought to look as good as possible. If that means simple white stripes on a blue sweater for the Leafs? That's fine. If it means pushing the boundaries and coming up with something wacky for Arizona? That's cool.

I just don't believe philosophy ought to get in the way of a team looking their best.

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This really isn't the right year to judge whether teams are conservative or not. Like @Ice_Cap said, the break was a forced one; not all of the old third jerseys had run their course. So if I'm a team trying to figure out a third jersey I like and will sell well? Well, maybe the one I would have still been selling all along if it weren't for adidas coming along.

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I’m not really up on my NHL banner aesthetics, but after looking at ones from different champions, the Caps’ banner looks no better or worse than the majority. 


I think the Oilers have probably nicest banners in the league. I prefer the slender looking ones to the wider banners most teams have. 

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The adidas logo on the front downgrades them slightly (it's already on the back collar. Why is it on the front?). Also, these will only be in warm-ups, sadly, and will be upcharged to a stupid amount in the team store.


Pretty to look at, but probably best to scour eBay for an original.



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That's probably the future of NHL Vintage replica jerseys we're looking at, right?

On 1/25/2013 at 1:53 PM, 'Atom said:

For all the bird de lis haters I think the bird de lis isnt supposed to be a pelican and a fleur de lis I think its just a fleur de lis with a pelicans head. Thats what it looks like to me. Also the flair around the tip of the beak is just flair that fleur de lis have sometimes source I am from NOLA.

PotD: 10/19/07, 08/25/08, 07/22/10, 08/13/10, 04/15/11, 05/19/11, 01/02/12, and 01/05/12.

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1 hour ago, Sodboy13 said:

That's probably the future of NHL Vintage replica jerseys we're looking at, right?

Guess I need to invest in a thread ripper.


These will look great with an out of place manufacturer's logo on  one side and the advertisement on the other.

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Ducks team store apparently going all out. I'm going to have to get down there for a game this year and hope everything's still in stock just to spend an exorbitant amount of money, unless they show up online for purchase somewhere. I desperately need that Wild Wing logo sweater and maybe the white shirt with the angry duck ripping through in the second picture (I swear I've seen that on Ebay before, so that's cool if they're bringing back old designs).






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39 minutes ago, monkeypower said:

Ducks team store apparently going all out. I'm going to have to get down there for a game this year and hope everything's still in stock just to spend an exorbitant amount of money, unless they show up online for purchase somewhere. I desperately need that Wild Wing logo sweater and maybe the white shirt with the angry duck ripping through in the second picture (I swear I've seen that on Ebay before, so that's cool if they're bringing back old designs).






Holy crap Sharktooth jackets and hats (circa 1994) and Shockwave hats (circa 1996)...lol...they really did throwback.

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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