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Jets Uniform Concept By Kong Tom


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2 hours ago, Whittier S said:

You may be spending more time on your designing than you did before. That is good. But there is something fundamentally missing still, and your design isn't the only place where it shows.

I have to point out this quote from your original post:


"I knew my return project would have to be flawless in order to truly show people how much better I have become, I believe I hit that mark. "


We have designers on these boards whose work rivals actual major-league designers, who could be working in the big leagues, and as great as their work is, they would never make a statement like this on the boards. Because they know their work isn't perfect, it needs fine-tuning, even after they've created maybe 10 or 15 drafts before bringing it to the boards. That humility gives them the critical eye necessary to revise 10 or 15 times, and then to come here with an earnest desire for feedback which they will then take to heart and apply as warranted.

What's missing in your post is humility. With a statement that you believe you've hit the mark for flawlessness, it's hard to believe you have an earnest desire for feedback--even if you do, it's not showing in your words. The concept doesn't look like it was fine-tuned or heavily revised, and thought wasn't given to how this uniform would fit either the history of the team or the league. Consider that the Jets stick to fairly traditional uniforms, whilst, for example, the Jaguars tend to be on the cutting edge, with innovations that have worked (double-outlined numbers) and didn't (gradient helmets.) Consider that the layout of this uniform would better suit early World League than current NFL.

This return post shows the same braggadocio you exhibited your first go-round here, the sort of swagger and empty quotes that, it seems, left a sour taste for others and left you feeling alienated. It seems like you honestly believe that this sort of talk will earn you favor in the eyes of others, but ask yourself how you would react to a similarly phrased post from another designer here. During your hiatus, it seems like you tried to take a good, hard look at your design work, when a good, hard look at your inner self would affect, not only how you design, but how you present yourself and communicate with others and get along in life. It seems like most of us here, if not all of us, want what's best for you, and not just in how you design. And that's why I have to say all this. I'm concerned about you beyond the scope of design.

Just think about it. I wish you well.


I apologize you take my comments that way. I know in the past I have sounded very arrogant, but I can't go back and change that sadly. I am trying to humble myself now, which I why I have not got into any arguments with someone in the comments for the first time ever on one of my posts I believe. Thank you for the criticism. I appreciate the insight.

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14 hours ago, KingKongTom said:

Thank you for posting picture excellent. I knew this would be a hit!

Wait did you even read my post? Let’s try it again without a gif. 


15 hours ago, KRZYBDGRZ said:

Good job on trying to improve, not really loving most elements on the jersey, front jersey numbers, the new shade of teal green, the stripe   With jets. 


See those words? None of them say that this is excellent, or a hit. Don’t just take compliments when there are none. Here’s a more appropriate gif to get my point across,giphy.gif


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Look at the work @BrandMooreArt did on the Jets.

Now compare it to your work.


One set has a grasp on the aesthetic history of the franchise and sport, and presents the work in a professional and digestible way. Then there's your concept. NFL teams don't wear a sash or a giant logo on the front of their jerseys. From a design standpoint, those two elements are competing and wouldn't work on a regular shirt, let alone an NFL jersey.


Watch some football, research the history of the teams you're redesigning, download some templates and font packages, and study the best people on this board. That's how to improve.

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