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Help Raysox with a Soccer Template


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Hey guys, sorry there's no actual concepts but I felt like this discussion was worth having before I spent a lot of time on it.


If you're reading this, you frequent the concept boards. If you frequent the concept boards, I'm sure you've seen my soccer template. It's been THREE YEARS since I built it, so it's probably time to create a new one.




It's such a widely used template I want to make sure I'm filling the needs of designers of all kinds. I certainly have my own opinions, but want to make sure a template I spend a few hours on is easy and sharp looking. One thing I want to do is make the lines thinner, make the side lines straight, or at least diagonal. I also want to make the collar as interchangeable as I can.


I have some kits from last year, so that's what I'm going to base the seams off of. 

Any other suggestions are welcome! Feel free to share some templates you've seen that have good features that I could possibly include.

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I do like the base of your template, and have been using an adaptation of it for personal use for quite some time:


It does feature similar stuff to what you would like to change (thinner and straighter lines and stuff like that). Maybe it's a good reference point for you as to what some of those changes look like.

As for the collar, I normally do my templates with a straight horizontal line where the collar should be and place different ones above it every time I want it changed

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16 hours ago, raysox said:

Any other suggestions are welcome! Feel free to share some templates you've seen that have good features that I could possibly include.


I love that you're taking the time to work on this!  Your original template is very good and I actually like the thick lines and slightly curved sides.  It feels like a good graphic representation.  The thing I'd love to see is a front / back view of the shorts, instead of (or in addition to) the side view. 


I wouldn't do too much though, it's already very nice.

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2 hours ago, OlavoP said:

I do like the base of your template, and have been using an adaptation of it for personal use for quite some time:

Love this, glad i got to see what that sort of looks like first. There's some good aspects of it, but it probably is too blocky on second thought. I think something along the lines of mostly straight with the sides being curved might be the way to go.


The collar comment is great and I think that's how it's going to be.


1 hour ago, NoE38 said:

Not sure if your old one has this, but could you make a .png version of this new template? Not sure of any other suggestions on how to improve, It's a very good template.

This is just a matter of exporting it at a pretty large size, which is no problem!


48 minutes ago, Duck_Duck said:

I love that you're taking the time to work on this!  Your original template is very good and I actually like the thick lines and slightly curved sides.  It feels like a good graphic representation.  The thing I'd love to see is a front / back view of the shorts, instead of (or in addition to) the side view. 


I wouldn't do too much though, it's already very nice.

Good suggestion! My thinking was that the details are on the sides more than the front, but i'm willing to try it out.

I know a lot of people have modified the template to be more vertical than horizontal like I had done, so that'd lend itself to the front facing version.

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These are my go-to soccer templates so it’s fair to say I’m pretty happy with them in general, but talk of an update is always good to hear. :)


Just to build on what’s already been suggested, some interchangeable collars would be great. I think folk tend to adapt them from season-to-season and maker-to-maker to reflect current designs - I know I certainly do - but a core set would be very useful.


1 hour ago, raysox said:

Love this, glad i got to see what that sort of looks like first. There's some good aspects of it, but it probably is too blocky on second thought. I think something along the lines of mostly straight with the sides being curved might be the way to go.


I’d tweaked the template a bit to show the sides to be more curved than the original, as this is closer to player issue shirts rather than replicas, which tend to be straighter - personally, I think it's a better look for a template. The cuffs could perhaps be straight, though - with the shirt laid flat that's how they appear, as on the Legia shirt you posted above


One modification I have made is to make a long-sleeved version for goalkeeper jerseys, so if the official raysox set could include one of those that would be tremendous.

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First, thank you so much for gracing us all with your beautiful templates! I'm excited to hear you're planning some new updates.


As far as the shape and line widths, I think the current template looks really elegant as-is. Straightening and thinning *everything* would make it look a bit inorganic, I think. The sleeve cuff could benefit from a straight line, though!


My main request is to keep it modular.


I've been using the AI version of your 2016 template, and have rearranged & modified it to streamline switching between the different Adidas templates.

Keeping everything (outline, stitches, color blocks) related to one element in a self-contained group has made it very easy.


To clarify:


Everything related to the Adidas stripes on the shirt sides (the gray stripes, the stitches, etc) is in the blue Shirt_Side_Stripes group, and everything related to the shoulder stripes is in the red Shoulder_Stripes group. That way it's easy to turn one on and the other off (or have both on, as shown).


I've done the same thing for collar options (green), sock design options, Raglan sleeves, etc.

Basically, I hope you could have these sort of modular options with your updates, similar to what @Jaffa requested with interchangeable sleeve lengths and collars.


I appreciate that you're taking user feedback into account for your latest version! Can't want to see it!

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Yeah layers are great. Illustrator has them and so anyone with an AI file will have an easier time swapping stuff in and out.


I got home, took some pictures of my USA kit and here is draft one of my new template(which I will name at some point)! I'm calling it the Caillou version since there's so many colors.


I built it sort of big but bare with me. The seams and dashes are 100% opacity, which will create a clear division between panels of the kit. I built the thing without a collar, which you can swap the however you want with the cross hair being a good center point to use. Each collar will have a fill that you can change, since it won't necessarily reflect the pattern you place it over top. I used a geological pattern on the sleeves to help create a sense of realism as well. The band seams are loose, so you can move them up or remove them. Finally, in addition to the paneling on my file, it has clip groups so you can easily throw in patches.


All said and done, here's what a concept looks like.


I think this is a fair representation of the Nike and Adidas kit I took pictures of. I'm going to create an Adidas version now to test that out, but I don't imagine the shape changing much. Then I'll make a back, which will be easy since I don't have to remove a collar.

Let me know what you think!  Down the line, I'll upload my file to a drive and you guys can play with it and let me know how it tests in case I'm missing anything.

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Love the layer idea so you can switch between multiple common jerseys, strips, one strip, horizontal strip etc...but also jersey makers adidas nike etc.. would be cool. Also spots in the layers panel were you add logo, sponsor.... ps like the new jersey flair out at the bottom.

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Interesting that Thickness keeps coming up, i'll try out a little thicker lines later today. That means the collars will have a little less real estate, but if it's what the fans want!

I'm hopefully going to finish a backside, pants, and socks soon and release some stuff to a select trial group. Let me know if you're wanting to join!

Patched are a fine idea I guess, wouldn't be too hard to throw on the template.

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15 hours ago, Roadrunner8ball said:

I might be in the minority here but I loved the style of the old template. The thicker outlines and blocky look were fantastic. With this new one, I feel that adding some thicker outlines and making it a tad more blocky would create a great update to one of the best templates on this site


One of the things I loved about the old template was how natural the shoulders and other curves looked. It gave a bit of a sense of what the jersey would look like on a person, and the new on looks like it's laying flat.  Also, thicker outlines do look cool.


Also, I'd love to be part of that trial group, thanks!




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10 hours ago, raysox said:

Interesting that Thickness keeps coming up, i'll try out a little thicker lines later today. That means the collars will have a little less real estate, but if it's what the fans want!

I'm hopefully going to finish a backside, pants, and socks soon and release some stuff to a select trial group. Let me know if you're wanting to join!

Patched are a fine idea I guess, wouldn't be too hard to throw on the template.


Sign me up!


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