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Tulsa Roughnecks NBDL Concept


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Okay guys, here's my first concept for your comments and criticisms.

I developed this for an unsolicited submission to the NBDL for their new team in Tulsa Oklahoma. The team's identity is based on a common nickname for the oil workers that flocked to the town after the discovery of black gold in 1897.

Admittedly, I'm a traditionalist. Inspired by some of Ian Baker's posts, I started off with a complex wordmark and array of color ideas, but I just didn't like it as much as this simplified version. Not many teams in basketball have patch style logos anymore.

I chose the colors based solely on preference. Because of the city's oil ties, black was a given. I picked the light blue because the Tarheels and Panthers pull it off so nicely.

The logo was inspired by a statue erected in Texas to honor oil workers. In fact, the name of the statue is the Joe Roughneck Monument.


I initially created the shape on the shorts to render an old syle oil tower (Houston Oilers tribute) but when I added the struts, it started to look like laces. Not what I wanted, but I do like the silhouette look.

Q: What's with the alternate? Why is it all black with no trim or anything.

A: Because alternates are dumb but this one will make them look like they play for the Oklahoma state penitentiary - instead of an NBA prospect league.

Let me have it:


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i like this. but on the home jersey roughnecks is hard to read. maybe making the numbers smaller and roughnecks bigger. and i dont like that number font. looks like a nfl more than nba imo. i really like the logo except for the fact that hes smiling. maybe more stone faced [no pun intended] than smiling. reminds me of the jolly green giant. and i think that alt needs some color because i dont dig monochrome. overall nice job and with a coupla minor tweaks this will be really sweet

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Impressive first concept. Welcome.

I think the logo work and particularly your limited palette are both very nice.

I'll echo that Roughnecks is too long a word to be on the front of the jersey. At least with that font. It'll virtually disappear from a distance.

Either implement a taller, slender font perhaps.........or make a more custom wordmark where maybe Rough is on top of Necks, or it's skewed getting smaller in the distance.


Again, very nice work. Good luck on the submittal.

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