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New Food Lion Logo


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When I was a kid growing up in Virginia Beach, these stores were THE place to grocery shop. Nowadays they are kinda ghetto and dirty. Anyways, when I was young I always thought the "tongue" and "top lip" formed an eye (in the negative space) giving it a birdlike appearance, not really grasping the whole "Food Lion" name. As I grew up I realized the "tongue" was a "tongue" and not a beak. However, if the opportunity arose to revamp their look, the Lion definitely should've gotten a facelift.

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Yeah, this barely qualifies as a logo change. More like a "rearrangement."

I also never knew quite what the face area of the logo was supposed to be. Always thought the negative space between the tongue and the top of the mouth was an eye, and below the tongue was some kind of face.

Just disconnecting the tongue from the top of the mouth would alleviate SO MUCH confusion.


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The only thing I remember about Food Lion was how severely they were protested for breaking unions when they came to the state back in the early nineties.

They pulled out pretty quickly, and you can spy former Food Lion buildings all over the Metro area.


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