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Honu (Green Sea Turtle) WIP


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The IceHL, over at www.icethetics.co, has a few of their teams rebranding and they are starting with their newest franchise the Hawaii Honu (honu is Hawaiian for sea turtle) and they open the designing to anyone then submissions are put to a vote on the site. Here is my first rough draft for a primary logo. Club colors are also up to the discretion of the designer so I was thinking something along the lines of black (since it is also called the black sea turtle because of its shell), green, burnt orange/tan and white. C&C more than welcome.


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Yeah, the back flippers aren't very big or visible on the actual animal. They are strictly for steering while swimming. Since the front flippers were to give the appearance of hockey stick blades and the back flippers to look like where the sticks broke off, if that makes sense. Thanks for the kind words.

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On one hand, I like the creativity...but on the other hand, I think too many IceHL teams have sticks in the logo.

Also, I hope you can find a good green and black balance without it looking too much like either the North Carolina Nighthawks or the Houston Hellcats logos...


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On one hand, I like the creativity...but on the other hand, I think too many IceHL teams have sticks in the logo.

Also, I hope you can find a good green and black balance without it looking too much like either the North Carolina Nighthawks or the Houston Hellcats logos...

I completely hear that, especially about the colors. There are a LOT of green teams, even more blue teams and you have to have green in the palette of it's a turtle concept. My only other line of thinking was to make the turtle look like magma and ash like it came from or was a part of something volcanic. Usually I OVER reference stuff before starting on concepts, for example, if I wanted to use the flag of Hawaii as a color reference, it's red, blue and white (though I didn't know it had a Union Jack on it til I looked it up) and I can't think of any way to work a turtle design with red, blue and white. As far as having stick in the logo, I just thought it would look good using the blades as flippers. Usually I hate sports logos that use a piece of that sport's equipment in the logo, but I thought here it would work nice, creativity-wise (which you said, so I'm sure you're following what I'm saying).


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On one hand, I like the creativity...but on the other hand, I think too many IceHL teams have sticks in the logo.

Also, I hope you can find a good green and black balance without it looking too much like either the North Carolina Nighthawks or the Houston Hellcats logos...

I completely hear that, especially about the colors. There are a LOT of green teams, even more blue teams and you have to have green in the palette of it's a turtle concept. My only other line of thinking was to make the turtle look like magma and ash like it came from or was a part of something volcanic. Usually I OVER reference stuff before starting on concepts, for example, if I wanted to use the flag of Hawaii as a color reference, it's red, blue and white (though I didn't know it had a Union Jack on it til I looked it up) and I can't think of any way to work a turtle design with red, blue and white. As far as having stick in the logo, I just thought it would look good using the blades as flippers. Usually I hate sports logos that use a piece of that sport's equipment in the logo, but I thought here it would work nice, creativity-wise (which you said, so I'm sure you're following what I'm saying).


Touche...I suppose the flippers are subtle enough where the sticks can work.

And you bring up an excellent point...all the color schemes that would work are taken. I suppose you shouldn't worry so much about making your design super-original, just on making it a good design.


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I think I surprised myself with coming up with the lava-esque turtle off the cuff like that, it may actually kick ass if I can pull it off. Red/orange/gold/ash or charcoal.......my creativity gears are spinning.

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I think I surprised myself with coming up with the lava-esque turtle off the cuff like that, it may actually kick ass if I can pull it off. Red/orange/gold/ash or charcoal.......my creativity gears are spinning.

I think that could work wonderfully. It takes the calm sea colors out of the mix, which like we've discussed above, is an over used combo. The red/orange/gold lave details would add a bit of a fiery ambition in the team (no pun intended). Going off that alone, I think it would be a great look.

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I like this so far. Subtle enough and very clever.

The only thing that bugs me about the IceHL is that every season, half of the teams re-brand. Even when the logos are fairly good, they feel the need to always update like it's a car or something. Even if someone uses a shape that is similar to a clip art image, they go through re-branding. But I guess without constant re-branding, there wouldn't be much going on with the league visual/design-wise.

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I think I surprised myself with coming up with the lava-esque turtle off the cuff like that, it may actually kick ass if I can pull it off. Red/orange/gold/ash or charcoal.......my creativity gears are spinning.

I had a very similar Idea early on in my design to turn the back of the turtle into a Volcano maybe you want to play around with that.

I like this so far. Subtle enough and very clever.

The only thing that bugs me about the IceHL is that every season, half of the teams re-brand. Even when the logos are fairly good, they feel the need to always update like it's a car or something. Even if someone uses a shape that is similar to a clip art image, they go through re-branding. But I guess without constant re-branding, there wouldn't be much going on with the league visual/design-wise.

I feel like that is the point of the league though it's about the concepts more than anything so the constant churning and additions help provide the opportunity needed.

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Yeah, I'm liking the burnt orange idea here. I' also in total agreeance that ya need a colour scheme different enough from the Hellcats. Stay different enough from this http://morrisdesignstudios.com/assets/pdf/stevemorris_portfolio.pdf (Pg. 8 on the pdf I believe) and you're good.

God damn! Though I feel mine is going in a different direction than this, especially if I go "volcanic", it sucks someone beat me to the stick/flipper thing. Crap.


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Tweak No. 1. Fixed back flipper (I think. It definitely flows better), made head/face more menacing, modified the shell a bit. Now I will begin the process of "vulcanizing" the whole thing. The original drawing is underneath this one on the tracing pad for so you can see the progression. C&C definitely welcome.


This is the palette I created:


Thanks guys


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First time seeing this, and it's beautiful thus far. Add me to the list who absolutely LOVES the subtlety of the hockey-stick flipper. Genius. I AM curious to see how well the color palette you chose will transfer to the logo.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay guys, the volcanic look, as cool as it would've been, just didn't come out right, no matter how I tried. However, here are a few color combos I have tried and would appreciate your feedback. The background color would be a potential jersey color the crest would be sitting on, but definitely not final (that's what I need your help with). Yes I know I left the eyes yellow on a few that I shouldn't have, but I am running late for work and I will fix that tonight. Thanks guys!


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I think either of the blue ones and the bottom green one would look great. Something keeps drawing me in to the brown and white one for some reason. I'm saddened the volcano look didn't work out...

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