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burgundy last won the day on February 12 2022

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    Dead inside
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  1. The only real criticism people seemed to have with the Texans' soon-to-be previous uniforms was that they were "boring" and "generic". So the Texans' response is to make their new home uniform even more boring and generic... but with worse numbers. Fantastic.
  2. Their what now? If you consider the new uniforms to be garbage he's not exactly wrong to use that spelling.
  3. The sock stripes take the home uniform from A to A+. And the blue pants obviously look so much better with the stripes.
  4. We can always rely on the Raiders to look like the Raiders. And maybe the Chiefs. The rest of the league is fed.
  5. How are the Bills a likely candidate for new uniforms? They have a very solid look that the team and fans seem very happy with. Washington isn't just a candidate, they are 100% getting new uniforms, and probably a new name (again). The Eagles won't change their uniforms while Jeffrey Lurie owns the team, no matter how much everybody wants them to change.
  6. Technically the Jaguars' pants are not plain. They have those dumb stripes at the back of the knee. But they often get lost in the socks.
  7. I still don't understand what that has to do with purple, or the Mets. I wanted Cleveland to go with Spiders as well, and even made a concept. The only new color schemes I remember gaining any traction were Brown/Red and Black/Red. And the original Spiders wore black. So the lament that Cleveland didn't go with purple seems out of left field to me. Anyway, the Mets look meh. Of course the only real prominent use of purple is for the swoosh because Nike gonna Nike.
  8. What the are you talking about? What does Cleveland have to do with this?
  9. Damn, a player actually criticized a new uniform? I didn't think they were allowed to say anything other than "fire", "clean", or "dope".
  10. There's no way that's an authentic helmet. The finish looks like store-bought spray paint; there's a giant chip in the back ridge of the helmet; the real logo decal does not have rounded corners like that around the mane; and the blue of the logo and stripe don't match each other, nor the helmet. This is clearly someone's concept, based on the jersey leak.
  11. So the blue jersey doesn't have a wordmark, but the white and black do? Dammit Lions, you were so close. But hey, at least they still have shoulder numbers.
  12. Nah, the jets will wear black, and the browns will wear their brown pants, just to spite us.
  13. It's like they took my dad's 70s prom photo and slapped on a cape and pirate hat. Long hair, porn stache, leisure suit, and unbuttoned shirt with a bit of chest showing. It's seriously all I can see.
  14. Huh, so it does. Also noticed that Baltimore's hat has a design too. Well . I still think the Mets one is just a fashion cap, as the other one in the picture with a jersey makes more sense.
  15. Are those "pinstripes" actually train tracks? This is definitely more legit looking than the other leak. That's what New Era has been for as long as I can remember. It's absurd that they are so dominant while always having such a wildly inconsistent product. I have never had a good experience with New Era hats, and avoid them if possible. All of my favorite hats are either Zephyr, 47 Brand, or Top of The World. I really wish one of them could get the on-field contract, but that's never going to happen. The Mets hat with the bridge has the same sticker. But it's pretty easy to move a sticker from one hat to another. They conveniently did not get the actual tag in frame for either hat. The designs on the under-brim are a dead giveaway that those are CC fashion caps. On-field hats have a black under-brim, just like the regular hats. The Tigers' on-field hat could be very similar, but that one's not it.
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