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Everything posted by Sodboy13

  1. https://capitolfax.com/2024/02/20/reinsdorf-says-i-dont-want-to-talk-about-that-when-asked-why-his-ballclub-needs-another-state-subsidy/ Then what brings you to Springfield on this fine February Tuesday, ya putz?
  2. Yes, yes they are. The Braves and Padres both got forced into this switch, and I am certain there are plenty of other examples. This is the RBK Edge "We can't put straight stripes on jersey sleeves anymore, it's detrimental to performance" lie all over again, except this time every team in the league bit on it.
  3. For an example of Good Brandiose, I point to the Traverse City Pit Spitters, which is a magnificent package with a truly clever secondary logo that also looks fully thought through and professionally finished without reaching to justify itself. It's no Sky Carp or RubberDucks, is what I'm saying.
  4. Funny you should ask: The financing proposals floated by the Bears and White Sox both call for using the same limited pot of hotel tax revenue without any hikes, so the answer is a definitive "no." And watching the Bears and Sox go up against each other in matters of long-term planning will be akin to that fight in the front yard where Homer Simpson's relatives rammed into each other with cooking pots covering their heads.
  5. That hole's been crying "buy me a new park or else" for like seven years now. Tommy Ricketts put in the paper today that he's too poor to make the Cubs really good despite owning Wrigley Field and the entirety of nine square blocks around it. I fail to see how it is my problem if any of these ossified turds are truly incapable of finding the "on" button on the money printing machines they have been handed, and as far as I am concerned, each of them can sit on a zucchini wrapped in 30-grit sandpaper and twirl. I get enough "But I'm the real victim here" from people who have never faced a real obstacle a single day in their lives in my news. I don't need it in the sports section as well.
  6. The "Elite" jerseys are now for sale. Blank: $355 Pre-customized: $395 Pick your own name and number: $430 At least they are listed as being made in the USA. I thought for sure they'd pull an NHL and start selling non-authentic Authentics.
  7. Between this and the photoshop in the MLB thread, I hope some of you newer posters are developing a familiarity with how Cujo operates on this board, and will just smile politely and go about your business on future occasions.
  8. The funny thing is that Carvana has actually been suspended from doing business in the state of Illinois multiple times over the past couple years because of repeated issues. This actually makes them the ideal Chicago Fire shirt sponsor. It's been a long, long road, but the Fire finally got there. My only initial quibble is that the chest stripe might look better as (from outside in) light blue-red-white, instead of white-light blue-white. The blue gets a bit lost without a more contrasting color next to it.
  9. I really hope the online merch offerings expand a bit. I'd love to get some stuff with Omaha's secondary or tertiary logos. UPDATE: The Supernovas have partnered with local institution Lawlor's to sell a lot more licensed merch than the PVF's basic offerings. I recall the Nighthawks doing the same in the UFL days. https://www.lawlorscustom.com/supernova
  10. This breaks both, but especially the navy jersey. The cool thing about that look was the contrast and the consistency of it from front to back. Your lettering is white on red and your numbering is red on white no matter which side you're viewing. Plus, the Nationals script is at a steeper angle than some other diagonal scripts, in part to accommodate those chunky numbers. Now you'll just have very noticeable dead space.
  11. Unfortunately, it's not the inaugural font, just their current one given a similar shadowing treatment. The inaugural font had no bottom serif on the 1, and an incredibly distinctive open-topped 4 that was mimicked in the letter A on players' names.
  12. One player compares the jersey to toilet paper, but in a complimentary fashion, if you wanted to find a new peak of damning with faint praise. I think the pants may be a bigger issue than the jerseys from a player perspective, which obviously doesn't have an impact on fans but is clearly an indictment on a brand and manufacturer that has previously told teams "We can only make you four jerseys." You're a million-dollar employee of a billion-dollar company, you're required to wear a uniform for your physical job, and now your employer is telling you your work pants can no longer be made in a size that fits you correctly and helps you do your job well. That's a legitimate job gripe, not an aesthetic nitpick.
  13. Thoughts from the official Lightning 3rd unveiling: - Hooray, drop shadowing! - Not using silver numbers is a big miss. - Putting one silver stripe on each sleeve and not incorporating the color anywhere else makes no sense. Especially when you can put one on the hem, go Full Brandspeak, and tell everyone how the three silver stripes represent the franchise's Cup victories. - While we're at the hem, why did you decide to go with one white stripe of a completely different width here? It's like you had different teams working on the body and on the sleeves. - The sleeve striping actually looks better on non-jersey merch, like hoodies and zip-ups. Maybe it's because those items don't have the thick white stripe to undo the look. - No shoulder patches from a team that always has had them and has a simple, scalable primary logo just comes off as lazy. If they had taken the primary logo and given it the same drop shadowing treatment they've used on the numbers, it would be awesome. So, like every Lightning attempt to bring back the black, they could have had something here, but unfortunately they really don't.
  14. Are the sleeve patches smaller now, or am I seeing things and just thrown by all the other changes? The front numbers on the White Sox' black jerseys now legitimately look like the lower-end knockoffs of the last decade and change. Always easy to spot because the white and gray layers of the numerals are too thin. The irony of the Athletics' uniforms somehow coming out relatively unscathed through this.
  15. EDIT: Deleted, I was on the wrong page.
  16. Put that on a jersey and Ron DeSantis will ban the team from the state.
  17. You can shrink the MLB logo by 5 mm to make it fit in the new, narrower neck cowl, or you can mess up the entire back of each and every jersey. It looks like the lowest rung of NHL replica jerseys for children and toddlers, where everything is screenprinted on, and the league shield is printed below the point of the V-neck instead of sewn onto it. But these are adult professional athletes wearing it, and it's going to retail for upward of $400.
  18. "The back's really nice. Fans are going to love it. No, I'm not going to show it to you." I recommend going through the replies to discover a product and marketing campaign so obviously bad that the majority of people who think it's a good use of their money to pay for Twitter are saying, "What kind of sucker do you think I am?"
  19. Okay, I guess I'm on one about this. Also nervous about some other stuff and this is making a good distraction. Back in 2000, I decided to splurge a little, went to Woodfield Mall, and bought a blank authentic gray White Sox jersey for $109, which is $195.22 in today's money. For that, I got an actual field-quality jersey made of doubleknit polyester with tackle-twill script across the front, an embroidered sleeve patch, elastic knit cuffs, and even velcro in the placket. I wore it a lot, but also made sure to take care of it, because that's a lot of money for a shirt. 24 years later, I still have it, and it still looks very good. Now you try to convince me that one of these jerseys could even last through one decade of wear, no matter how much care you took in cleaning, storing, and maintaining it.
  20. Also, we need to talk about how hilariously fake those "quotes" from MLB players in the post were. I was waiting for Adley Rutschman to say "I loved it. It was much better than 'Cats.'"
  21. As a fellow CCSLC Oldhead, I found myself thinking about the old megathread on calling out counterfeits, which took off as they began flooding eBay and swap meets. There was a lot of back-and-forth, heated at times, between the "It's cheap and close enough" crowd and the majority opinion at the time, which was that these were sweatshop-made crap that would fall apart in the wash, accompanied by the ethical concerns over IP theft and undermining the legit work of fellow designers. Seems quaint now, doesn't it? I had a brief, perhaps delusional, moment of optimism this morning when I first saw Chris' post. Sure, these new "limited" jerseys were $175, but we were finally getting MLB replica jerseys with sleeve patches and front numbers after more than three decades, even if they were screened twill. Then I got to see a photo of the actual product and was quicky reminded how Nike and Fanatics have engineered screen twill down to the thickness and durability of the vinyl film that gets heat-pressed on at your local t-shirt shop, and apparently have found some new corners to cut. At this point, why wouldn't you roll the dice on a $30-50 knockoff instead? Last season, I loved the Mariners' City Connect wordmark, and wanted a shirt. Unfortunately, that meant a $40 Fanatics shirt, and I've learned the hard way what that gets me. So instead, I got a $16 heathered royal blue shirt with the old Pilots road wordmark on TeePublic. I kept $24 in my pocket, MLB and Fanatics didn't get any of my money in theirs, and I have a shirt I can still wear after more than three washes. Eventually, more consumers may make decisions similar to mine, to a point where it may make a tangible impact to Fanatics' bottom line. But everyone making these shortsighted decisions now will have cashed out by then.
  22. Well, everyone sure got their money's worth out of that set!
  23. I bought each of our boys a Brewers Kids Crew membership for Christmas. This year's kit included a promo-grade City Connect jersey, and even that has a sewn and embroidered sleeve patch and "MKE" jock tag. And that was $45 including all taxes and fees, including sunglasses, a hat, a set of Crocs charms, and oh yeah, six ticket vouchers.
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