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Ray Lankford

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Everything posted by Ray Lankford

  1. Even for a minor league team the Grizzlies go through a lot of redesigns.
  2. I'd like to see them bring back sleeved jerseys for players who wear shirts under their jerseys. This is awful:
  3. You say Minor League Baseball, I say European soccer.
  4. Brandiose should give an MLB team the full-Brandiose treatment. They've already ripped the Padres off a hundred times so they might as well get a crack at the real thing.
  5. The Cardinals look 1000x better with piping:
  6. The Brewers' best all-time look's got you covered:
  7. It feels like "identity" is thrown around a lot as the barometer for a team's logo/look success but when it comes to the Brewers, who have a unique name that is relevant to the region, a lot of votes go to a logo that basically just says "baseball team."
  8. The modern design of football jersey templates improves over the shoulder striping. This: looks better than this:
  9. White wordmarks in baseball are underrated: Cleveland's "The Land" jersey also counts:
  10. More than brown, people should rally around the Padres bringing back the yellow permanently. Only two teams in the league use it and even then only the A's really highlight it. And whenever you watch a Padres game, because everyone wears their regular clothes, nothing sticks out (not even brown) except yellow. And it's the same on the road. The only time you can really make a Padres fan out is when they're wearing yellow.
  11. Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I think that a yellow outline and the 2016 hat would've got (most) people to shut up about brown.
  12. That seems like it was a comment about general fashion but baggy shorts do have an advantage in basketball, as they make it tougher to nutmeg.
  13. I really like the Bucs uniforms. The numbers are stupid but that's the NFL in the 10s for you and I like the way the yoke provides consistency across the set. Also, while I'm not crazy about it, pewter is a unique color in all of sports.
  14. This might seem like a bit of a stretch but he is top 5 by fWAR in team history:
  15. I assume that part of it is that Brooklyn never got another team. The old New York Giants hat is basically a black version of the current New York Mets hat and Milwaukee, Philly, etc. are all still part of the league. Still, it's interesting that so many Angelenos wear another city's initial.
  16. It's interesting how much LA Dodgers fans embrace their Brooklyn heritage. I can't think of another fanbase that embraces their team's ex-city like that.
  17. I think the amout of dark blue in baseball is fine, as long as the teams play up their secondary color. The Indians, Red Sox and Astros are good because they emphasize red and orange (or at least they do at home) but teams like the Rays and Brewers, who don't, and the Padres, who don't even have a secondary color, are giving everyone else a bad name. Even all the dark blue hats are fine and mostly because an orange hat doesn't really go with anything in real life.
  18. It depends on why you like your original team? If it's a team you picked when you were a kid because you liked a particular player or their jerseys, those aren't reasons to stay loyal. If it was an older family member's team and they raised you to like them because they like them, that's different but really, odds are that you're dumping a big market team for a small(er) market team and that is generally OK. The big market team will survive.
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