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Everything posted by BadSeed84

  1. My thoughts too, just one word has the tacked city of. & love look bad.
  2. I wish they went with this at mid-field instead of the "talk to the hand" logo
  3. I'm finally getting the jersey I ordered July 31st this week.
  4. They selling steaks now? I fear the next time they change because it gets worse each time.
  5. WCW was already losing steam by then but that logo change really signaled the point of no return for them to me.
  6. I know it gets said quite a bit but this really looks like something Walmart would sell.
  7. I will have you know, you can display up to 18 uniform sets.
  8. And it's much better to be using a unique color scheme than one as close to the Flyers.
  9. Bulls red looks the same there. But what I am seeing is their print logo back then the green looks brighter.
  10. Yea, that's why I said, they get a spot it could work, will take time (hence uphill battle) but could get a following like the Soul did.
  11. No one in Philly gave a crap about the Stars, so unless they get them a stadium (And even then, its an uphill battle) then they could go.
  12. I would get the feeling The Rock wants out then make a sweet ass payday at WrestleMania along with whatever other projects he has (well when the actors strike ends)
  13. The Emblem parts that were chrome is now white, looks cheaper imo. They were using the simplified logo for a few years now.
  14. The same thing happened with the Patriots.
  15. The Jazz are are the shorts to these. https://twitter.com/BensHoops/status/1537844499145101312/photo/1
  16. And the money they'll make. It looks like the logo for a Nerf product.
  17. I saw it too, its more the general elements. Italics (UFC) and underscore (WWE),
  18. Diet Pepsi > Pepsi Zero Sugar Coke Zero > Diet Coke And overall, Coke Zero > Diet Pepsi > Pepsi Zero Sugar > Diet Coke for me. Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi > Cherry Coke Zero Sugar.
  19. The all lower case & simplification/too stripped down trend is over thankfully.
  20. I noticed this too, which is weird since that one tries to be nostalgia looking. Just give it the Pepsi globe without text with the cool script underneath.
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