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Status Updates posted by derschwigg

  1. This...is impressive! https://t.co/D22PgaTK9I

  2. RT @kevinpanetta: Even if you haven't registered, the following states allow SAME DAY REGISTRATION & VOTING CO CT DC ID IL IA ME MN MT NH…

  3. @drdougfresh congratulations big guy!

  4. @WavePunkRL it was like a 5 mile route!

  5. RT @CarrieMuskat: #Cubs will try to become 20th team to come back from 3-2 deficit. Last to do so was 2011 Cardinals

  6. Sometimes, Life happens. That's why I'm stepping away from the Logolympiad. Have fun, guys

  7. @FatKidDeals Thanks man!

  8. When your pregnant wife asks you to build baby furniture in a room still fresh with paint fumes, you do it. #myheadispounding

  9. ...oh.... https://t.co/JnjWIg8in3

  10. RT @Cubs: Can confirm reports of heavy foot traffic at the intersection of Clark and Addison. #FlyTheW https://t.co/4CR9q1DZh6

  11. Don Quixote, there's a bad hombre, believe me. He's so high, guy thinks a windmill is a giant! You want those drugs here? #TrumpBookReport

  12. If I made a #StrangerThings shirt for a fake diner called "Eleventh Street Diner" with really good Upside Down cake, would you buy it?

  13. #CriticalRole hey #critters...I have a thought. What if Momleth (Keyleth's mom) is the one who placed the soul curse on Raishan?

  14. @MASIK8 @JustinGarand The mark of a true professional, ladies and gentlemen.

  15. @Bungie Is there a reason that the SIVA Crisis Heroic strikes don't go towards the SIVA Crisis Normal strikes?

  16. Last night's debate still has me feeling like https://t.co/bDPuQsWzuO

  17. @BENKSY_1 I had a thought...have you thought of opening a shop online for awesome gender neutral designs for baby clothes?

  18. The @tacobell around the corner from our house closed without warning. Not going to lie, I feel hurt, betrayed, but most of all, I feel sad.

  19. Love this idea for warmups! Thanks @davekellett! https://t.co/ouFpexnVv1

  20. After the service I just got at @kfc, I'm wondering if @Popeyes is in need of a convert-customer

  21. @executivegoth For Percival. #CriticalRole https://t.co/q3Gi0Hnsx2

  22. @TukRoll no. I'm gonna sulk and pout and wait for you to figure out that you've wronged me over fictional fun times. Harumph, Tuk. Harumph.

  23. RT @BlackPplVines: Yall so quick?? #Debatenight https://t.co/M6vWilj7uX

  24. RT @FatKidDeals: Need an external hard drive for your xbox one? Get this 3TB external hard drive for $89.99! https://t.co/LfIvsP0C9j https:…

  25. @Starstuff84 @ChrisPerkinsDnD I know the show will do some really awesome things for Percy, regardless of which direction it takes.

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