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Everything posted by zpqmaowl

  1. I hate the Brewers' 1994-1999 look. The scripts, logos, uniforms, colors, everything is horrible about that set. One of the few sports logos/uniforms I absolutely despise and can't stand.
  2. I'm in the minority here but I think of Appier as an Angel.
  3. The Maple Leafs will move to Saskatoon. Ehh, I'm hearing Moosejaw. You guys seem to be forgetting about the new state-of-the-art arena in Regina.
  4. Shaun Marcum (belongs in these) Zack Greinke (belongs in these)
  5. $50 second row from the glass, $10 top deck season prices.
  6. Swap out the sleeve number for the P cap logo and we have a winner. P.S. does anyone have a digital version of that script?
  7. In before 8,000 fans show up at home game #5 next year.
  8. How to phrase this suggestion as a question, hmm? Is it possible to configure the IPB software to limit the number of quotes inside quotes? It's kind of annoying when we get this every few pages, scrolling through the same post 5+ times, especially for those of us who view the CCSLC on mobile devices. one line comment medium sized image followed by a few sentences Long essay, for example: Nulla facilisi. Cras vel sollicitudin odio. In cursus, ante id vulputate aliquam, felis dolor iaculis mauris, nec pellentesque dolor purus at lectus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla porttitor suscipit consequat. Proin euismod diam eget tellus porta gravida. Cras blandit tellus nec ligula ultrices non pharetra elit feugiat. Sed sed justo tellus. Mauris sed augue id metus consectetur pretium. Donec eget erat metus, nec rutrum odio. Praesent et lectus at turpis tempor lacinia. Maecenas cursus suscipit dignissim. Sed id mauris a enim molestie luctus sed nec sem. Vestibulum velit ligula, blandit et porta nec, luctus non libero. Donec ut libero id odio cursus ultricies ac vitae ipsum. Proin nec est quis lectus vulputate dictum. Curabitur ac vehicula augue. Cras porttitor luctus justo, non vehicula leo semper ac. Curabitur lobortis, massa sed euismod tincidunt, arcu nisi tincidunt quam, non condimentum nisl odio et arcu. Integer nec massa orci, in molestie sem. Fusce dolor leo, pretium at adipiscing vel, sodales a lacus. Nulla dictum aliquet risus eu feugiat. Phasellus molestie, sem vitae rutrum luctus, erat magna luctus nulla, nec consectetur eros massa eget lorem. Etiam a ultrices eros. Quisque feugiat iaculis neque ac laoreet. Nam porta urna euismod felis tempus rutrum. Sed dui nisi, pulvinar pharetra vulputate sit amet, gravida sit amet sem. Integer condimentum mi a nisi bibendum molestie. Sed eget magna sit amet dui facilisis ornare ac eget tellus. Morbi egestas convallis faucibus. Vestibulum mollis condimentum enim eget porttitor. Ut ut ipsum condimentum purus volutpat ullamcorper a luctus augue. Nulla rhoncus lobortis odio eget tempor. Phasellus vulputate viverra augue id eleifend. Aliquam imperdiet, justo sed convallis faucibus, orci neque auctor mauris, sed mollis erat nunc ut urna. Proin libero justo, cursus lacinia hendrerit sit amet, pulvinar id sem. Nullam semper est at risus interdum nec rutrum mi dapibus. Phasellus neque sapien, viverra sit amet blandit eu, porttitor sit amet tellus. Cras odio felis, cursus at egestas et, pretium eget ante. Quisque ac nisi ac sapien dapibus blandit. Donec sapien nisi, elementum sodales adipiscing vel, aliquam sit amet lectus. Aliquam diam ante, sodales in fermentum ut, malesuada sed risus. Curabitur imperdiet porttitor ipsum, vitae laoreet mi luctus volutpat. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce auctor pulvinar sem id suscipit. Nulla facilisi. Fusce vitae dapibus justo. Pellentesque porta augue lacus. Phasellus neque erat, rutrum eget bibendum eu, volutpat cursus nunc. Proin malesuada felis quis justo dictum a feugiat eros pellentesque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent vulputate cursus posuere. In vel sagittis turpis. Fusce vestibulum ornare urna, ut vestibulum purus lacinia molestie. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris vel elit eget ligula congue mattis sit amet ac diam. three line response image with reason why the last post is wrong another essay Quote this post and?
  9. Steve Garvey, Tony Gwynn, Dave Winfield, Randy Jones, Trevor Hoffman, and Jackie Robinson.
  10. The Ducks were out of the playoff hunt. (insert Duck Hunt image here) San José had a fair amount of Kings fans last April when I was up there for a game, but you wouldn't have heard them because the Sharks won 6-1.
  11. Dammit, why didn't I get a focused picture of these?
  12. They kept the playoff "whiteout" from Winnipeg? Seriously? Yeah, they've done it the last few years, and it honestly looked like they were all Red Wings' fans (although most of them probably were?)
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