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Posts posted by StillS

  1. My first thought was that the Kemp jersey looks OK, but look at the transition from the orange-ish color to yellow on the circle and compare to the real thing.

    Also note the outlines...looks like the real one has a way thicker yellow and thin red on the "40", whereas the ebay ones are the same width. The color of the ball looks gray on the ebay one and pretty much the dull orange of the real ball on the Kemp photo. There are a few other small things too.

    Thanks man, wouldn't have noticed these small things just by myself.

    Also, who really wants to fake a product with a mid-level price point? People want to fake the expensive one.

    I don't know about that. He's sold 71 Iverson jerseys, for $48.99 each that would make him $3478. That's a lot of profit on fake jerseys.

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