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Posts posted by thaipod

  1. I've wondered this for a while now, and want to get this forum's thoughts about this.  In general, a lot of uniform nerds don't like matching color jerseys and pants for the NFL.  I can't remember which team was the first to do it (Eagles? Seahawks?) but now, nearly every team has a version of their uniforms that match the colors of their jerseys and pants, especially since the Color Rush program started.  Generally, us uniform wonks seem to prefer Color A for the jersey and Color B or white for the pants.   However, with other sports uniforms like for the NBA and NHL, we don't seem to share that opinion as strongly.  In the NHL, both seem to be well liked depending on the team and color scheme, and in the NBA it's always matching colors for the top and shorts.  In fact, the one time I remember an NBA team trying a different color with the top and bottom it was the Wizards with their black jersey and gold shorts and it was universally  hated.


    So yeah, why do we prefer the matching color look for the NBA, the non-matching color look for the NFL, and are ok with both for the NHL?  I'd love to hear your thoughts!

  2. How about a crack at this oldie but goodie?


    The Chargers and this website already have you covered to an extent:


    similar but not the same. the updated logo is more slender where the old one posted is shorter and fatter. The font is thinner and doesn't have the pacific blue outline on the "chargers" and has San Diego across the top in the older logo posted.

    This is what I was going to say. Thanks! :)

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