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Posts posted by YelichGraphics

  1. Dang putting a bad name on Sabres fans. Most of us yes are depressed but not destructive like that lol. In fact this might be a crazy statement but did you all know someone wins the Stanley Cup every year?!

    disregard 1919 and 2005

  2. These are absolutely stunning!

    My Top 3:
    1: Utah Archers- so beautiful. Their color scheme works perfectly for the design, and the arrowhead is amazing
    2: New York Atlas- This logo is better than the one they currently have. The designer for these should have done the jerseys this year. I would not mind if they brought back this bull full time or a stripped version of it, although I know they won't.
    3: Carolina Chaos- Let's be real I just love this identity to begin with and to see a tribal scorpion front and center is something I am here for.

    The rest are very good to decent job at portraying what the teams identity is in a traditional style.

    Honestly the only one that doesn't work for me is the Boston Cannons but that's a harder concept to sell.

    In all this league absolutely kills their special event uniforms every season. Not talked about nearly enough.

    • Like 1
  3. 14 hours ago, HOOVER said:

    The Ravens number font is a super corny 90’s attempt to be gothic.  It looks like a stock font in Microsoft Works 4.0.  Absolutely no legitimate designer on the planet today would use it if creating a uniform from scratch.


    The Broncos had the same problem.   This is no different.


    Yes, the Falcons font is dog:censored:.  But the Texans and Donkeys upgraded, without question.

    While that's definitely the case no designer would use it today, it doesn't mean any modern design or font would be a better fit than the one they have now.

  4. 17 hours ago, MJD7 said:

    Agreed, I used to feel pretty strongly that the Ravens’ font was dated & that they should change it, but now I think they’ve sort of outlasted that for it to now become a signifier of the era it was created.


    90’s nostalgia seems to be really “in” right now, with the Rays’ City Connect taking heavy inspiration from that time, the Jaguars preparing to unveil their ‘90s throwback, and the Jazz’ upcoming new uniforms, among others. I guess we’re in that part of the 25-year cycle right now.

    It's really interesting as someone who works for an apparel brand that does a heavy amount of throwback merchandise 90s have been way back. And you are right on the money on the 25 year cycle. What causes that trend is the kids of that generation start to make adult money and want to buy stuff that they thought was cool from their childhood. If you asked me 10 years ago about the 90s era in sports I would say it was loud and very expressive but I don't know if I would be clamoring to have any of those identities back full time. Now especially in the NHL we are seeing a resurgence back into that era especially after the past 5 years of heavy minimalistic sports design.

    Which brings me to my fear of the 25 year trend for the next 10 years because I really feel like the early 2000s might be the worst professional sports have ever looked.

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  5. 23 minutes ago, tBBP said:



    Well first, I think we all agree on the Ravens' stripeless black pants. Even replicating the helmet stripes on the black pants, if they felt the need to keep black pants, woul help immensely. (So too would replicating the braisher from the purple pants, except making it purple/white/purple/. 


    To the number font, though, I'm gonna go the other way on this—thus maintaining my long-held stance—and say that aside from possibly removing the large dropshadow, I see absolutely nothing wrong with the Ravens' number font, and am STILL waiting for someone somewhere to descriptively explain exactly what about that font makes it "dated". (And no, "they're not classic block" will not suffice here. Neither will "just because they're round".) And if its a font update some want, I say be careful what you wish for. See Broncos, Denver; Texans, Houston; and Falcons, Atlanta for examples of how that wish could go horribly wrong.

    I'll play a bit of devils advocate. Their number font first introduced in the 90s, and follows the late 90s and early 2000s trend of custom fonts that you would argue has only progressed through time into now. Other than the traditional block I would compare their custom font to the likes of the Lions, Patriots, Falcons, Bengals, Broncos, Chargers, Dolphins, and Eagles during that time. I'd argue that they were outdated towards the mid 2010s when Nike first took over. During this time we got more of a shift in fonts to be larger, bolder, and dropping the drop shadows. Since then a majority of these teams have updated their specific custom font or dropped it for a new one.

    However not playing devils advocate anymore, my real take on their font is that it holds the test of time. I think if they followed suit like the rest of those teams and updated in the late 2010s and early 2020s we would be complaining about another Nike"fide" team with gimmicky uniforms and number font. I would have agreed that it felt outdated if you asked me 6 years ago which I get sound contradictory.  However I feel like they somehow they passed the outdated phase into nostalgic and unique to the Ravens identity. 

    • Like 8
  6. I never understood the Vikings comparison, like yes the two teams have "similar" color schemes but they are very different. I would compare the new helmet to the AAF Atlanta Legends before I would compare them to the Vikings. 


    Its like comparing the Vegas Golden Knights and Penguins, because they both use some variety of a "gold" and "black"

    • Like 10
  7. 7 minutes ago, SportsFan12 said:

    This is the sports uniform world we live in. If Timmy and Sally and Billy from Twitter want an all-white uniform, the team will eventually listen to them. Sickening.

    The world we live in is that the consumer is asking for something that will guarantee sales. I don't think it is always a bad thing. The Sabres wouldn't have royal uniforms without them, a ton of the throwbacks were all requested by the consumers in fact I don't think the reintroduction of a second helmet or third happens without fans asking for them back. Name one business that doesn't listen to their consumer base...

    • Like 1
  8. On 4/9/2024 at 3:38 PM, CDunn said:

    Can anybody identity the font for "National Champions"? It looks kinda like Bebas with serifs.spacer.png 

    I think that is exactly what that is. Would'n't be surprised that the designer on this just messed with the text a bit.

  9. 19 hours ago, AluxEcheverria said:

    Hi! @KG_grfx My name is Alux Echeverría, returning to the publication about your design and conceptualization nowadays, there is a topic that has me with questions, the concept you created about taking and abstracting the image of the rocky mountains, applying it to the sides of the shoulders, is very clear, the colors and layout in general. Now, with the release of the Broncos' new 2024 uniform designs, my questions would be: Has the team contacted you about your design and concept?  Were you part of the uniform design team? Were you given any mention or compensation for the use of your idea? My question is that if this has not been the case, as an industrial designer it would be unethical for the design team not to give credit to your idea and concept, if you have not been given compensation, and credit for the clear use of your concept, for me we would be facing a design plagiarism.spacer.png

    I mean you can go ahead and take on the NFL, and Nike, and I guarantee you lose that battle.

    • Like 1
  10. Just now, infrared41 said:


    First off, I don't "make excuses." I state my opinion. My uniform opinions are based on one thing - does the uniform look good? I don't give a flying :censored: about "design process" or any of the other industry-speak that tries to justify an aesthetic disaster. It's not about "playing it safe" vs.  being "bold" or whatever. The design is either good or it isn't. Anything after that is just a circle jerk that I'm not particularly interested in taking part in.


    You aren't going to change my mind and I'm not going to change yours. How about we move on and annoy different people?

    I didn't know I was annoying you my apologies I was just debating my take. One of the things that annoys me is the instant negativity to all new things among these boards and I would like to at least a little leeway to a team trying to expand their brand. At the end of the day it's not that serious, just some uniforms. Agree to disagree

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, infrared41 said:


    True, but the Eagles aren't wearing white helmets, brown jerseys with sublimated feather textures, and yellow shoes and socks because it represents the quality craftsmanship and hardworking, high flying example of the American eagle. That's the difference.

    And neither are the Texans. I'm really just saying the whole "They look so unprofessional" line is just an excuse to say you would rather the design play it more safe and you don't like the look. And the examples you give I still don't think there's a team that is overtly being ridiculous in their design choices. I would agree with you on the Jags 2012 look and the Commanders but that's about it.

  12. 16 minutes ago, BBTV said:

    They could put the horn on their helmet and make that their look, rather than it be part of many looks. 

    They don’t need to double down by also having bull horns on the jerseys… which are actually backwards from the ones in the helmet - that looks ridiculous. 

    Nothing wrong with trying new things - but commit to it. For better or for worse, make it your brand. Don’t have a different look for every day of the week because you’re afraid of commitment. They no longer have a brand. 

    This might be the best counter-argument I've been given. You got me, there are inconsistencies. I'd also argue just because they released 4 "different" uniforms doesn't mean they aren't all connected in some way, shape, or form. You can still tell that they are the Texans, the Home and Color Rush are basically the same but colored differently and the Away and Alternate are the same but colored differently.
    I'd also still argue that having separate options that are all connected in some way doesn't make it unprofessional. I'll come back when you are all begging for a certain pair of pants to be paired with whatever they planned on top.

  13. Just now, infrared41 said:


    The NFL has teams using "swords for shoulders" and "bull horns" on their jerseys and claiming "triangles represent dissipating oxygen." This stopped being about looking professional a while ago.



    And the Eagles have had giant bird wings on their helmets forever. Just because it doesn't look good, pointing at the Titans, doesn't make it any less professional. It's a sports league meant to entertain. Just because its not the 60s anymore and every team isn't wearing some variety of stripes doesn't mean a team can't branch out to explore new ways to express their brand.

    • Like 10
  14. 1 minute ago, infrared41 said:


    My guess is someone was saying the same thing about the NBA back when it started adding alternates.

    And I would argue that the NBA has gone out and changed their alternate identities WAY more than the NFL has. Don't get me wrong there is a lot of BFBS in the league atm however I can't name one alternate in the league where I still can't tell who that team is.

    • Like 1
  15. Just now, OnWis97 said:

    I was referring to the fact that they will wear multiple helmets, thereby watering down that identity. Most fans won't understand the helmet/jersey combos and won't know in advance what's being worn. They'll just know that the Texans wear three different helmets. That they've indicated their plans doesn't really solve the watering down problem.

    So if you were to tune in to a week 14 and you see the texans wearing a red helmet would the casual fan know that the team playing is the Houston Texans. Yes

    • Facepalm 1
  16. The only thing that makes it less professional is the perceived notion that an NFL team should have nothing more than a home and away uniform, and that since the league began we should stick to limited options but nothing they have done has made me feel like we are at an NCAA level where Oregon has a new uniform each week.

  17. 6 minutes ago, infrared41 said:


    How about this? We've reached the point where even logo geeks like us can tune in an NBA game and have no idea who's playing because the teams have so many uniforms. It's like if Coca-Cola had 20 different "can combos" for Coke Classic and most of them had an alternate logo and colors. That's how it dilutes the brand.

    Sure, but this isn't about the NBA. I understand the comparison but 2 "extra" helmets doesn't dilute the Texans brand.

  18. 1 hour ago, OnWis97 said:

    To me it waters down the identity.  Universities are not as tied to football and football helmets for their identity, as they have bigger athletic departments and more.  While Michigan bringing out an "M" helmet and a cartoon mascot helmet to go along with their famous helmet would raise eyebrows, at most schools, it's all an expansion of a broader identity.

    I'm well into my 40s and so maybe this isn't the same for younger people but the the helmet was a defacto alternate (or occasional primary) for all teams when I was younger. T-shirts, jackets, hats, stickers, etc. displayed the helmets. I still remember my Vikings pajamas with the helmet taking up most of the front.  While this has diminished some, the helmet has remained a part of the identity...now you have no idea which helmet the Texans will wear. This holds true to several other teams. The helmet, outside of maybe Dallas and a couple of other teams, is going away as a key team identifier.

    I'd argue that the Texans very much spelled out which helmet they will wear. Nothing about their release gave me the impression they were planning on mix and matching the helmet, and I don't think there has been another instance in the NFL, maybe other than the Broncos release, where that was and or is the case. I could be wrong though.

    • Like 1
  19. 5 minutes ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:

    The NCAA-ification of the NFL is a real drag.


    And I don't even hate the Texans, especially if they hold tight to actual home and away designations.


    But all of these uniform combos and billions of helmets; it cheapens the game to me.

    I've simply never understood this take. What makes having more options less professional? What makes having combinations and the ability to put show your brand in an another way that it contrasts the competitors brand on the same playing field. Hey if it looks good it looks good. By no means am I happy with all of the Texans choices but I don't think choices makes a team any less professional. In fact it gives this forum another thing to argue about on a week to week basis when it comes to pants and socks choice.

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  20. I'll be honest the only thing that bugs me is the helmet stripe. The rest is fine and will make for pretty decent uniforms with the right combinations. The triangles are so small (besides the helmet) that I really don't think it matters in the grand scheme of the design. I really think some of y'all are just being negative for the sake of being negative.

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