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Red Wine Pirate

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Everything posted by Red Wine Pirate

  1. So if a team is old, it's ok to use a generic logo? If so, then what's the official threshold time that makes a franchise "decades of tradition"? I mean, if there is an exact date, then I'm fine with this. But without an exact threshold time that makes a generic logo a "decades of tradition", then it isn't a valid excuse to have a generic logo such as the "G" Packers. So yes, unless there is an official time given by the logo-Gods, my comparison is valid and not flat. I have the brand new LA Clippers logo listed as one of my favorites because I deeply respect the bold move to do something like this. Especially since there are so many teams out there with generic "a child can make that" logos (as mentioned in a previous post). EDIT: I do apologize for using the word "childish" in the post you edited.
  2. That could be said for the Packers "G", Bears "C", Cubs, Indians "C", Yankees "NY", Dodgers "LA", and many others. All of those logos I just mentioned can be drawn by a child. None are special in any way. They are just generic scripts. Again, IMO the response has been an overreaction. There isn't much you can do with Clippers anyways. I don't see any lakes in the Lakers logo. That's a basic logo as well. Now is the new Clippers logo a great logo? Absolutely not! It's very plain and simple. But it is also nowhere near as bad as the cries have it to be.
  3. I agree. I don't think the LA Clippers redesign is great, but it is nowhere near as bad as everyone acts.
  4. I do agree with you about the logo, however, I feel like the Clips uniforms still lack that "it" that makes them great uniforms. (The number placement is weird to me.) I can see the feeling of the jerseys lacking the "it", but to me, I love just how basic the red jersey desgin is. Not only that, but it is completely different than any other NBA jersey and that's bonus in my book. I love when I team does something that is completely different and unique. I'm against the ideaology that professional teams must look a certain way and if they go outside the box, people consider it "generic" or "high school". A few teams need to swim against the current, IMO. I do however hate the new white jersey. That one is a huge letdown.
  5. The Clippers new logo and red jersey = I absolutely love them. Sooooo simple and yet that simplicity is what makes them so beautiful.
  6. And that's an unpopular opinion on this forum? You either posted this in the wrong thread, misread the intention of this thread, or are oblivious to the day to day complaining.
  7. I absolutely love the Cleveland Browns new look.
  8. Reminds me of the Jags' uniforms. If the Jags used these in their current colors they would look pretty solid I agree. I think the blank space on the sleeves needs something.
  9. I'm not a Bucs fan and therefore this is not a homer decision: I really liked the Bucs on the field tonight. The red looked sharper, the pewter wasn't as overdone like I thought before in photoshoots, and the number font wasn't as horrible while watching the game. If anything, it almost felt as if the numbers were easier to identify.
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