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  1. https://t.co/9kLLU4o5Z8

  2. RT @TheHyyyype: FRIEND: it's all about picking your battles [later] WIFE: i can't believe you ju- ME: *holds up hand* i choose gettysburg

  3. @Ethan_Booker @HPbasketball I'll vote yes on RoboCop opening anything. NBA franchise, ice cream parlour, barbershop… https://t.co/6kq1ep8WXr

  4. @parnoora @cinema21 @CGV_ID @cinemaxxtheater https://t.co/M2n1RuhSmj

  5. RT @OtnamRee: kelingan Gogon diwawancara Andre A : gimana kesannya Mas Gogon, rekan2 Srimulat beberapa sudah "dipanggil" seperti mas Basuki…

  6. RT @callumleslie92: There is no god. #Brooklyn99 https://t.co/OAXacUynxM

  7. @MoniqueAubrey Happy birthday mbak, mau ngucapin doa yang terbaik untuk mbak tapi saya mah ateis. #jamaah #AubreyTale

  8. @BillSimmons I thought you never like wnba, even wrote multiple columns on it

  9. @AbbyHasIssues @funTweeters A group of old person using ATM in front of me is called homicide

  10. @fitri44152225 @CrazyinINA Mas pasti sangat menyenangkan kalo kondangan

  11. @Doanertoque @darrenrovell @DwyaneWade Never win the chips?

  12. Avici itu lagunya yang mana saja sih? RIP

  13. @TheAgeOfThanos Yes

  14. @MikeyGang @6vlo_D_Author @StNaija @KS_ImHexed @DimitriKiewiet2 @ebikobz @Fauxhemian_ @yoruba_dev @tombo_fc… https://t.co/YvJQyAfm13

  15. @jacksonsandy20 @SBNation That's what 10 years in minor league do to you

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