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Everything posted by Almighty

  1. Well, it´s not as bad as the new NHL.com , that´s for sure
  2. Quoting is not easy, i end up quoting the wrong post even though i click the correct ones. The new site is a bit wonky ?
  3. Damn, people who sell fake jerseys should be electrocuted
  4. Hate how everything has to cater to tablets and phones, ESPN site did the same and it sucks. Sorry, but i am one of those that can wait on discussing sport logos till i am on a PC .
  5. Absolutely ridiculous post I agree - the original reply was silly! The NFL team that wins is the World Champion. The NFL is not Arena football or College football. It is the best of the best. I thought they were super bowl champions. Why is it not called the world championship then ?
  6. I don´t think a superbowl ring should say world champions, why can´t it just say superbowl champions ? To make matters worse there is a NFC and a AFC ring, what side of the world are they representing then. I am okay with the baseball world series, but american football champs have no business calling themselves world champs it´s just lame, the game is played literally nowhere else in the world.
  7. Was there really no way they could have worked some orange into those Giants rings ?
  8. Ugh, those sleeves remind me of the horrible Kings jersey
  9. NBA game makers gets a free pass on everything, because : 300 different jerseys for 2015
  10. What if the union soldiers used camo uniforms, how would the blue jackets jersey look today ?
  11. Trust me, A's fans have been wondering the same thing for decades now. Exactly, they got some of the best uniforms in baseball, those are the kind of jerseys i wanna see with a world series patch on. I love green and gold , the A´s logo, the whole thing, yet the owner ruins everything by being a cheap doucebag,
  12. Why do the A´s insist on sucking so bad ? Why make a movie about that idiot Beane ? Why is the owner allowed to make money on having a MLB team and not be interested in winning/spending money ?
  13. So just accuse a person of something, then sit back and enjoy how that person loses everything, without being found guilty ? Your co worker or neighbour could be plotting stuff right now . America :censored: yeah !
  14. Crosby Sucks and no means no, those philly fans are great
  15. What is the point of a baseball vest if the players have to have t shirt underneath, and in matching colors to boot ?
  16. Like crying, there should be no vests in baseball
  17. I don't think that's the wrong uniforms for Gretzky. Those kings unis were called the Gretzky era uniforms. Now Gretzky in a blues uniform, THATwas wrong. What about in a Rangers uni, that was even worse ! Atleast he could have come home to Canada in his twilight years, the elephant graveyard known as Toronto would have been more fitting, Greatz as a Ranger was a lame joke, trying desperately for one last ring, but the bulk of the Olier mercenaries were gone
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