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Everything posted by Krz

  1. Looks like a fashion jersey to me based on the extreme simplicity and lack of white.
  2. I’m sorry everyone, but this jersey is kinda growing on me,
  3. That is really cool, thanks for sharing. I personally liked logo 1.4
  4. Same reason I wanted the thunder to make it to the finals in their glory days.
  5. I like it, I honestly think that this is pretty similar to what they’ll go with.
  6. Dallas looking like the Tennessee Titans and TCU has a baby.
  7. That logo is still used by high schools across the country.
  8. But is a hornets jersey his “right” uniform?
  9. Honestly it’s not that bad, they get a pass due to their normal name.
  10. A LOT of these look familiar, https://interstatehockeyle.wixsite.com/interstatehockey/teams
  11. Another new background I created,
  12. Yes I also have this problem on mobile and desktop. Started about a week ago.
  13. Can we get a thumbs down button?
  14. I mean, none of them are really that great, just too brandiose-y for me. But yeah I agree with you, I hate how the flip flop looks furry.
  15. The thing that bugs me most about the Virginia uniforms is the stripe at the top of the jersey. It makes it look like Nike is repurposing a bad adidas template, (this one in particular)
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