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Everything posted by MJD7

  1. Although I don’t like the City program so far for MLB, I do appreciate that Nike has been willing to try some new things with the uniforms (dark monochrome for half the teams, reverse pinstripes for the Marlins and White Sox, gradients for the Astros, & seemingly larger stripes for the Royals), things that deviate from the traditional baseball aesthetic. I just wish that innovation was employed more on regular sets as opposed to jerseys that are purposefully distinct from the main identity.
  2. That’s so annoying that it’s the Padres too, who finally just became one of the best uniforms in baseball.
  3. Although I'm still not a fan of the City program for MLB, this is probably my 2nd favorite uniform behind the White Sox. However, everything I like about this uniform could easily be transferred to a regular Astros set. The hat with the gradient is amazing. I could probably do without the planet orbit, though it is kind of growing on me. Similarly, I do enjoy the gradient piping on the jersey. My only tweak would be to make the wordmark white, to match the cap. I would probably drop the grid pattern on the sleeves, too. The number on the pants is a nice touch. I didn't like the gradient socks at first, but the Nike-speak idea that they're inspired by rocket thrusters is juuust clever enough for me to accept it. As @insert name said, this is the first Astros uniform in a while, or possibly ever, that really feels like space, so I appreciate it for that. It'd be a solid template for a complete uniform redesign for the 'Stros.
  4. Therein lies the main problem with the Twins’ regular home uniforms.
  5. I believe that New Orleans was on that list, as well.
  6. If they’re gonna wear a black jersey, I’d prefer they wear the black pants with it, to be honest. If you’re gonna go BFBS, might as well go all the way, in my book. I think the green pants would be the best option to pair with the black jersey, though.
  7. Midnight & silver without any black would be the ideal, for me.
  8. I agree that I’d prefer them to pick one, midnight green or kelly. If I had to choose though, I’d prefer kelly green over black as a secondary color to the midnight green, since kelly would help brighten the midnight up a bit, while black makes it feel more dreary. Plus, that design uses kelly pretty minimally, to the point where you almost don’t even notice it, save for the socks.
  9. They almost did exactly that, if this designer’s website is to be believed: https://scottfaries.net/Philadelphia-Eagles-Rebrand Personally I think it’s legit, the website has info on the Jags’ and Dolphins’ 2013 redesigns as well. If push came to shove I’d probably prefer this over their current uniforms, although the helmet is a major downgrade.
  10. I think the current Lions uniforms would be pretty much perfect if they dropped the anthracite gray: that would mean a white outline on the home numbers, a lighter silver outline on the aways, and going with the lighter silver for the alternate (which I’d like to see with the blue pants). I’m curious what they’d change if they don’t go strict throwback. As for the Eagles, this is probably a hot take but I’d prefer them to just stick with the midnight green. The Jets can have kelly green, in my opinion. I’d still do a redesign for the Eagles to drop the black, but I honestly think the midnight green is a cool & unique color. Paired with just silver, I think it could look really nice.
  11. I am not much of a fan of this, to be honest. From a distance, the jersey is going to mostly look dark gray, since the pink is such a light shade and is so minimally used. I don’t mind the beveling, that feels very DC, but the “WSH” abbreviation is rough. It’s a peculiar decision to use off-white instead of a true white, as well. I don’t know about anyone else, but when I think of the monuments in DC (which I assume the off-white & bevel is alluding to), I think of pure white & gray, like the Wizards original City uniform with the marble. I don’t know… I think I’m just not a fan of the City program being transferred over to MLB. It kinda worked for the NBA, there were a few cool designs over the years, but even that seems to be getting worse & worse. I just don’t think it works for a sport as tradition-steeped as baseball.
  12. It’s a concept. (“Dubya Design” in the corner gives it away.)
  13. I think the implication of that tweet was that they’d be revealing their World Series champion gold-trimmed jersey, not necessarily a City Connect (although who knows, that might happen eventually too).
  14. I’m surprised the Wizards didn’t try this out sooner, to be honest, though leaks suggest they are going this route next year. I like this shade of pink better to depict the cherry blossoms than the Wizards seemingly more “hot pink” shade, though.
  15. I don’t think he was suggesting that uniform would come back next season, just that it was a possibility to bring back at some point in the future.
  16. If you don’t want to “name names” (i.e. address the person you’re arguing against directly) then I’ll say what I assume you’re referring to: Even here, I didn’t read this as @BBTV calling any second helmet stupid from an aesthetic standpoint, much less “objectively bad.” He just stated his opinion that he doesn’t like when teams have multiple identities, no matter how each one looks aesthetically. Sure, a black helmet and a silver helmet could both look good for the Raiders. But some people would prefer they just pick one for consistency’s sake. If you can’t accept that, then I don’t know what to tell you.
  17. Maybe I'm missing something, but when has anybody said that any of those alternate helmet options would look aesthetically "stupid" or "objectively bad?" You seem to be making a straw-man argument, accusing others of saying any second helmet would look objectively bad (which I don't think anyone has claimed), rather than acknowledging the actual opinion being presented, which is that some people here simply don't like multiple helmets for NFL teams, no matter how the second helmet "looks," since having multiple helmets tends to dilute the team's branding when they only have 17 games to play. You're allowed to disagree with that opinion, but at least acknowledge it for what it is instead of portraying it as something else. Nobody has said that a teal helmet for the Jags would look "stupid," nor even that it would look any worse than black. I'd just say that they should pick one color and stick to it, hypothetically. Similarly, nobody has said that a black helmet would look bad for the Raiders aesthetically. Their only claim has been that double-dipping in both silver and black helmets would seemingly dilute the traditional, consistent brand that the team has built up over decades. Teams like the Packers and Bears would fall into this category, as well. For less traditional teams like the Texans and the Titans, you suggested them wearing red & light blue helmets, respectively. That's totally fine, if anything that might be what I'd prefer for both of them. I just wouldn't want either team to use that as their alternate helmet, I'd just rather them wear the new helmet full-time, and drop their current navy helmets. I think you're mistaking a desire for no alternate helmets in general, no matter how they "look" aesthetically, for a fear that every new helmet would turn out horrendous. For me, it's more along the lines of @oldschoolvikings' general sentiment that (to paraphrase): "if your alternate uniform looks better than your primary, then why not just make it your primary?" I think the same principle could be applied for helmets.
  18. I think that’s a bit of an assumption on your part. For me, I’m not necessarily hesitant on the removal of the one-helmet rule because I’m afraid every helmet will be garish, but just that I strongly suspect most if not all of them will be unnecessary. Take your black Raiders helmet example that you consistently bring up: Do I think a black helmet for the Raiders would look fine? Sure, a blackout look could honestly be pretty cool for them. Do I think it’s needed, or adds anything to the brand? Nah, not really. The Raiders look is classic as-is, and adding a black helmet kind of takes away from the “no nonsense” brand they have going for them.
  19. The “old=good, new=bad” stereotype is so tired that it doesn’t even deserve acknowledgment at this point. Like @oldschoolvikings said, it’s an attempt to belittle and invalidate another’s opinion without respecting the simple fact that someone else might simply have a different opinion. As for me, I’m gonna wait until some of the alternate helmets start getting released before I make any judgement, but I can’t say I’m optimistic. I’ve spent quite a bit of time trying out other colors for helmets in doing concepts, and honestly, I think very few NFL teams stand to benefit from having an extra helmet, and virtually none of them do if it’s not a throwback. I don’t really consider myself a traditionalist, but I do like the brand equity that the one-helmet rule helped to maintain. Like @gosioux76 said, since the NFL season is only 17 games, any deviation from the typical branding is much more scrutinized than it would be during an 82-game NBA season. With that being said, here are my predictions for what the alternate shells will end up being (based on @BigDmo’s list): Arizona: probably black for their alternate jersey, although I think copper would be more interesting (maybe for their eventual redesign) Carolina: black or Panther blue seem equally likely, and I think either would be an improvement over silver (the sooner the Panthers get rid of silver in their identity, the better in my opinion). Chicago: this is the most confusing inclusion, the only thing I can think of is possibly an orange version of the throwback helmet with stripes. Cincinnati: this is probably the most obvious one, they’ll almost certainly go with the “white tiger” look, which I honestly think will look pretty nice. Houston: I’d be interested in seeing a “Battle Red” alternate helmet. New Orleans: probably a more “old gold” helmet to match the Color Rush, although a black or white helmet wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world in this case. New York Jets: probably a black helmet to complete the blackout look, although I’d prefer white. Philadelphia: probably another black helmet, since kelly green seems unlikely for 2022. Washington: we already saw this one (unfortunately). Overall, I think about half of those best-case scenarios have a chance at improving the team’s brand (Carolina, Cincinnati, Houston, and New Orleans, in particular). The rest I’d be fine without.
  20. Where is the source for any of these claims? I was under the impression that the NFL didn’t really specify any rules or parameters beyond the newly granted ability to have a second helmet. I’ve anticipated that many teams would treat the second helmet like they would an extra pants option, interchanging it with every possible combo. That’s obviously not what I would want them to do; if it were up to me, a second helmet would be reserved for throwbacks only, sort of like it was before the one-helmet rule was put into place.
  21. I wouldn’t mind navy & white for the new alt. It’d be a unique color scheme in the NFL, while also recalling the Rams’ history. Of course, I’d prefer them not involve navy at all, a yellow jersey would be much better, but navy would be much better than black.
  22. I highly doubt the Rams would hype up a new “uniform” 2 years in advance just for it to be an extra pair of pants.
  23. Just out of genuine curiosity, what would you do for the Cardinals? I know what you mean that it isn’t quite “enough,” as it feels like the Cardinals have had fine uniforms in their past, but never a great one that has withstood the test of time like the Bears, Steelers, Chiefs, or Raiders (an admittedly high bar to match). Because of that, I personally wouldn’t mind seeing them try something completely new, but I could easily see myself eating those words after the Cards eventually come out with a new set. It surprises me that you hate those uniforms, I imagined that most people thought they were just “fine.” The inconsistencies that @oldschoolvikings pointed out definitely sour it a bit, though. Like I asked above, I’m curious what you would do if you had control of the Cardinals’s uniforms, being a fan? It really is difficult to pin down what the ideal Cards look should be, so I’m curious to hear your thoughts. Yea, this seems to be the best, albeit safest, solution. The biggest criticism I’ve heard of a set like this is that it looks too much like Louisville, but honestly Louisville doesn’t even look like Louisville anymore, so the point is pretty much moot. That would be a classic look for the Cards that still keeps them distinct among the NFL, while balancing their colors pretty well, too.
  24. Different (but very similar) pictures.
  25. I agree with this. The logos since 2010 have felt more befitting to the grandiosity and stature of the event. The first few years were maybe a bit boring with the templated Lombardi trophy + host stadium format, but they’ve steadily gotten better as they’ve added more color/local flavor. I think this year’s logo was probably the best ever, with next year’s seeming like it will follow in a similar format.
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