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Everything posted by Gothamite

  1. Probably. But that would defeat the whole purpose, if you can’t instantly tell what helmet the player is wearing.
  2. The purpose they serve is making the company's product visually distinct.
  3. And if you look at the team's website, they're really leaning into it. NJ/NY Gotham FC Moves to the Top of the Eastern Division in Thrilling Win Over North Carolina Courage They use the three letters for game stats: So no, I'm not sure we can say they're ditching the place identifiers.
  4. And yet, this was last night. Looks like the only thing they've chopped off is the slash.
  5. Double outlines never improve legibility. They probably should have gone with a better script.
  6. New Jersey/New York New York FC will look pretty good this year.
  7. Agreed. Nothing about the name can be salvaged. Nothing about the name should be salvaged.
  8. Meh. The black pants are terrible. Other than those this is an upgrade, but that wouldn't be hard.
  9. The only reason to keep “Red” in the name is to maintain a link to the old one. Which is not a good reason to keep it.
  10. Colors are staying, but anything that even hints at Native iconography has to go.
  11. Acknowledging now that the name is racist does not means you pretend it was never used. But it does mean you don’t glorify it, and you don’t use it (or derivatives) anymore.
  12. Lombardi R is fine. No feathers, though.
  13. they really can’t keep any Native iconography at all, even if they’re now going to claim that it has a different meaning. And nobody’s claiming that we erase the past. We just can’t keep condoning that past as if it was somehow okay.
  14. We can't discount the very real possibility that some of these names are pure misdirection.
  15. Ah, well. That's a horse of a different color, isn't it?
  16. Oh, yes it has. Until 2017, teams had to choose whether they were a black-shoe team or a white-shoe team, and all cleats had to be one of those as a dominant color. In 2002, Payton Manning tried to mark the death of Johnny Unitas by wearing black cleats, as Johnny U did in Baltimore. The NFL prohibited it, because the Colts had become a white-cleat team by that time. They even threatened Manning with a fine "of at least $25,000" if he wore the "wrong" color shoes. So yeah, cleat color used to matter. A lot.
  17. I really think that begging to the refs for a penalty ought to be unsportsmanlike conduct. If nobody saw it, not even the gods-eye in the booth, then it wasn’t a penalty and no amount of wild gestures in an official’s face can magically make it one.
  18. Gray>Brown>Literally every other color>White.
  19. Jaguars in anything black save the helmet is terrible.
  20. This is a such a stupid argument. Ask any sports fan which they would prefer: 1) undefeated in the regular season but wash out of the playoffs in the first round; or 2) sneak into the playoffs and run the table to a championship. The better team is the one that’s better when it counts.
  21. adding silver pants is the only fix their home unis need.
  22. hand creeps towards like button... never mind.
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