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Everything posted by Sec19Row53

  1. Yes - me too today. This was also another autoplay volume ad. Ugh. I miss "You Might Like" over this :-)
  2. But ... you should never apologize 'if you were offended'. Someone was offended. Just drop that part from the apology. I chuckled when I learned that "route running" is slang for guys chasing chicks. If that is where he was really going, trying to make a sly joke, it's kinda funny. I get that it was offensive, but that makes it kinda funny in my mind.
  3. Me too ETA - Thanks for the update. Not intuitive at all.
  4. Was there ever one? I've made this request in the past to seemingly no avail.
  5. I'm signed in on a couple of different laptops, my phone, at least one desktop, and a generic tablet. Every now and then it goes through a stretch of wanting a sign in on each item, and seems to repeat for a few days. That hasn't happened for awhile, though.
  6. Into the media realm for the next few days. I'll be volunteering for NCAA Round 1&2 games at the Bradley Center in Milwaukee. I'm in media credentials, so media members will be coming through the group I'm in to get passes, information and the like. I'll be pretty scarce until the week is out starting at about 4 PM Central tomorrow.
  7. Dock Spiders it is: http://northwoodsleague.com/fond-du-lac-dock-spiders/2016/11/21/fond-du-lac-dock-spiders-unveil-name-logo/
  8. I'm guessing if the moderators aren't 'seriously tackling this issue', it's likely because it isn't widespread. Maybe you need to see if you've gotten your phone infected.
  9. It's a stretch to say I was really IN sports radio, but I've been on-site producer / spotter / statistician (and off air color guy - feeding my observations to the PxP guy) for high school football on one of the sports stations in Milwaukee. My on air broadcast partner is a real pro, and does PA for non-revenue sports at one of the Universities in Milwaukee (MU) as well as PA for the Lakeshore Chinooks.
  10. Your take on Joe for MLB is the same as the take on Joe for NFL (at least as I've heard it). Having worked in small time sports on radio, I take pride in preparation, and I'm not even on air. I don't take issue with Joe/Troy from a preparation standpoint, and that same thing can't be said about the majority of broadcast teams.
  11. So you're willing to cover whatever revenue would be lost by shrinking those ads? I'm sure Chris and Yzerfan would be happy to chat with you about that.
  12. I always assumed it was a tongue in cheek 'hey, it's a message board - lighten up'. I consider it good advice whenever I'm on a message board.
  13. 'Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain' - Wizard of Oz
  14. So I had only recently (in the last 6 weeks or so) started slogging through the Relocation Roundelay thread. Now that the upgrade happened, I've lost where I was in getting caught up, because it wants to send me to 'most recent post'. Sucks to be me.
  15. PBs UI is just garbage.PB is comparable to MySpace, and this is in no way a compliment. They constantly try to change but the site simply refuses to admit defeat, getting worse and worse with each revision.PB is annoying as hell about embedding images, often redirecting you to the photobucket page of that image rather than simply the .jpg or .png image itself. I mean it's not the worst thing in the world, but I personally despise it. Thanks for the responses. I haven't had any of those issues, so they're news to me.
  16. Yeah - what's the issue with Photobucket? I often see/hear it scoffed at here, but haven't had an issue with it.
  17. People only know how many stars you have by looking at your profile. On the other hand, everyone who reads a particular post knows what you post when you post it. Which one matters more? [rhetorical]
  18. And maybe bump the FAQ thread to the top of the pinned items. Maybe make it a mandatory read prior to sign up. Embed in it a code you have to enter in order to be able to sign up.
  19. You can't. Images have to be hosted online somewhere.
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