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NFL nixes Cowboys memorial helmet decal


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" The Cowboys heard back from the NFL on Wednesday and were told by league officials they can't wear the decal during any preseason or regular-season games, executive vice president Stephen Jones said. Jones added that the Cowboys can wear the decal during training camp practices. "



Carolina Dreamin'


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"There are so many wonderful, wonderful causes, the league has to be careful," (Cowboys executive vice president Stephen) Jones said earlier in camp about the possibility of wearing the decal in games. "If you allow one, then what do you do about every team that has a great reason to have something on their helmets?


"There are tons of things out there that need to be recognized. Once you open that Pandora's box, how do you ever stop?"



Have to agree with this.  

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1 hour ago, Gothamite said:


Have to agree with this.  


Yeah.  If they allow this, and then the next one, at some point they're going to have to say no - and then they'll be chastised for being against kitten adoption or whatever cause it was.


It's good for the teams too.  Dallas wears this, then a womens' shelter asks them to wear their sticker too, and they decline and look bad.  


There's other ways to show support for a cause - ways that are far more impactful than applying a sticker to a piece of plastic.

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All of the above is very true, and I'm glad this board has handled the topic well.


What I think the critics will miss is the obvious, "you know what would do a lot more good? Simply donating a bunch of money to the cause." and maybe giving them a free ad or two in the program/stadium

I'll respect any opinion that you can defend.

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Says the league that dedicates a month for breast cancer awareness but won't allow any other causes to be mentioned. Oh okay NFL. Keep on cashing in that big pink check. 


Bleeding Blue since 1986

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I sorta understand but don't they do a whole month for breast cancer? I'm not saying it's not important but they already opened the door didn't they? but I guess they probably get something from the  money (which is a lot correct?) that doesn't go to the research. I think being neutral on any issues except for national tragedies (9/11) should be the rule then allow the guys/teams to express themselves and what is meaningful to them during practice and press conferences. 

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9 hours ago, andycumbee19 said:

The shield allowed the Broncos to do a memorial decal for the Aurora shootings, but the Cowboys aren't allowed to. 


There's your line in the sand, fellas. /NFLlogic 


Did the patriots get to wear one too for the Connecticut shooting? If so, I guess you could argue that a memorial is different than a "cause" or "statement". If they wanted to make one specifically as a memorial for the fallen officers then perhaps it would be looked at differently. Or not, we don't know. 


I'd love for a team to make a memorial for the victims of police abuse - we'll see how the league handles that

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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I think we have to start making distinctions between what was during the season and what wasn't. I think if it happened during the season, it makes a lot more sense to allow the decal. 

Sandy Hook was in December, Aurora was in July. 

It still doesn't solve anything, but that gives more justification to the Patriots' decal, in my opinion

I'll respect any opinion that you can defend.

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I think if the reason given for the shooting wasn't the killing of two other people by other police officers the NFL would've been fine with it. They are afraid to get involved with a fractious discussion. With the other shootings, it was a single action contained within that event rather than a creation of outside forces. If I were Dallas I'd simply add their initials like they did when they had 2 former players die in the 90's.





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6 hours ago, hawk36 said:

I'll say it again... the owners need to take control of their league. The owners can make the decisions yet they continue to be ruled by their employee. Odd.


You're presuming they're somehow unhappy with the job he's doing.  They aren't. 


They may disagree with individual decisions, but it's his job to make those decisions.   And on the whole, they're very happy with the way he's doing that job.  

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One of the reasons I have been losing interest in the NFL is that the 32 teams aren't really individual teams anymore. The Browns had to 'get permission' from Art Modell's son NOT to have a moment of silence for him at FirstEnergy Stadium.


That is patently ridiculous.  They did a moment at the end of a Browns-Steelers game in CLEVELAND when Hines Ward passed some passing yard total of career placement. No. That just tells me that the team I am an fan of really isn't any bit separated from the rest of the league.  So, if the league is profitable because of revenue sharing, salary cap, etc, they don't care WHICH team is popular. Just as long as a few bandwagon teams do well (Packers, Steelers, Patriots, 49ers, Cowboys, etc) that draw in fans either to cheer for or cheer against since they all share in the money from that profitability.


And because of that, the league runs everything about the teams. Leaguewide contracts for everything. Leaguewide decisions for all team minutia.

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Those cops in Dallas didn't mean anything to the NFL? :censored:ING GOODWELL, GOODWILL, GOODELL, whatever his name is! He and those talking idiots should :censored: their asses down. No love for Dallas Cops???!!!

Cowboys organization recognizes those cops. I guess it's the fan base and they wouldn't like to see that on the helmets because those Black Lives Matter members who watch the NFL would be upset about the Cowboys supporting cops who killed a criminal? Geezus!!!

Edit: Sorry. I am just irate about this situation as a friend of mine was there was beat up by BLM. :(



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