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Black New York Rangers Jersey


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https://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ebayimg.com%2Fthumbs%2Fimages%2Fg%2FcpkAAOSwi7RZNzDE%2Fs-l225.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fb%2FStarter-Jersey-New-York-Rangers-NHL-Fan-Apparel-Souvenirs%2F24510%2Fbn_16715722&docid=jzs-xfzDcyg_FM&tbnid=wBGvGsu9jlcr4M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwixyuDTvbjUAhWD6oMKHViEBVg4ZBAzCEIoPzA_..i&w=225&h=169&bih=985&biw=1920&q=black new york ranger jersey&ved=0ahUKEwixyuDTvbjUAhWD6oMKHViEBVg4ZBAzCEIoPzA_&iact=mrc&uact=8


Hey guys, just wondering if anyone knows anything about this jersey? I was at a farmer’s market on the weekend and I came across a Black New York Rangers jersey. It looks legit (meaning its not a counterfeit). I’m guessing its some kind of fashion Jersey from the mid 90's. Just looking for some info before I make the decision to purchase it or not.



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30 minutes ago, Gothamite said:

Definitely a fashion jersey - they were selling them at MSG back in the 1990s.  I had a friend who bought one and took a seam-ripper to it, removing the R and S. 

To express the proper reaction after every season. 


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58 minutes ago, insert name said:

To express the proper reaction after every season. 

Then what did he wear in '94?

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12 hours ago, Gothamite said:


I don't think he ever wore it to a game - it was mostly for when we went out to punk clubs. 

I'm pretty jealous of most of this sentence.

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25 minutes ago, Ice_Cap said:

I had one of the black Starter Rangers sweaters as a kid. Starter made the best hockey sweaters. 

I'm bummed I lost it. There's no way it would still fit, but it would be cool to have.

I still have a few Starter hockey sweaters from the 90s. I actually picked up a Flyers one on eBay a few years ago. It's one of my favorite sweaters.

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1 hour ago, Ice_Cap said:

I had one of the black Starter Rangers sweaters as a kid. Starter made the best hockey sweaters. 

I'm bummed I lost it. There's no way it would still fit, but it would be cool to have.

I have the light (baby?) blue Avs jersey that was released as part of these fashion jerseys. It doesn't fit at all anymore


To @jmac11281's point it: my 90s Starter's jerseys are the best quality jerseys I have in my collection. I have an old Mighty Ducks home (white) jersey. It would fit me like a tight t-shirt now but it's held up to the test of time. I used to wear it on the ice as a kid (I regret that now because there are a few puck marks) but there's no rips, tears, snags, ect.


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