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Houston Astros Logo Concept


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Recently, while working on a different, abandoned idea, I developed the framework for a logo that I felt had some legs as an Astros concept. I've never really been a huge fan of the Astros logos in the past, and figured this had a little bit more character than the current H-Star.


The explanation here will be very straightforward. The basic idea was to combine the letter A and a star into the same shape. The "gut" of the star, where the A is formed also forms the pentagon shape that represents home plate, an underused, but certainly recognizable feature of baseball. Like I said, pretty simple and straightforward. (I do realize there are some that find a logo with the mascot initial instead of the location initial sacrilege, but I really ain't one of them, so tough luck there.)





Lemme know what you guys think!



I've got a dribbble, check it out if you like my stuff; alternatively, if you hate my stuff, send it to your enemies to punish their insolence!

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8 hours ago, tigers said:

Very Allen Americans feel to it.


Other than that it looks good.

i saw the same exact thing (living near an ECHL franchise does this to ya)


Well done though. I prefer their current stuff cuz it just looks that good. But this beats all of their other tries at being COOL



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