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DiscrimiBattle XXI


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parrot: *coughs* if i don't get my money i'm gonna beat your...aucc, we're on? ok. BREAKING NEWS!!! Discrimihater has announced that he's ending the hiatus of the DiscrimiBattles and starting up with DB XXI.

Yep, welcome one and welcome all to the 21st DiscrimiBattle. it's hard to believe it's been over 20 already, but it has. This week will be a good one: Welcome to the Iron Curtain. You can enter a concept for the following teams:

Pittsburgh Steelers (football)

Columbus Crew (soccer)

Birmingham Steeldogs (arena football)

Idaho Steelheads (hockey)

Aberdeen Ironbirds (baseball)

Scunthorpe (english FC, nickname Irons)

West Ham Utd (also english FC, nickname Hammers-at one point they were known as Thames Ironworks)

OR you can do a fantasy set, the main stipuation being the name indicates steel, iron or working with said metals (e.g. Blacksmiths)

for the listed teams you can use their existing logos or create new ones. for all teams unless further indicated, you cannot use their current uniform. for Scunthorpe and West Ham, you can tweak the home strip but it cannot be a full blown change. also, you must create a new change strip; and if you choose the fantasy route you can choose any scheme you want. if your college or high school has a related name, you can use that.

the deadline for entry is Friday, 5 pm CT...read all about it.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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subtle steelers changes

removed yellow stripe from helmet

changed font of 'steelers' insode logo to same as that of wordmark

consolidated sleeve stripes into one

changed number font and added grey outline (that IS the color of steel, isnt it?)

added grey stripe to pants stripe

added a black pair of pants for the away

EDIT - see page 2

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

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astrobull, i'd say something but i can't see your concept. so i'll comment on the ones I can see at the moment:

AAO: finally! something other than the steelers :D although i don't blame anyone...anyways, i'm lovin it. and don't think the little rivets in the A went unnoticed. as much love as i have for Ripken, he okayed a terrible logo (their real one-a cutesy jet), so logowise this is a definite upgrade.

fuzzlewigg: i have a feeling i'm gonna see a LOT of black and gold this week. fine by me, if this is an indication. kinda reminds me of Vandy's homes with the Playstation font...and although i wouldn't go with black pants myself maybe they'd go over with the whites.

finally, Midwest Eagle: the autumn wind is a...Steeler? i applaud the effort but it looks a hell of a lot like a certain team from the west.

heck, i think i'll get in on it...i got a few ideas in my head.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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that IS very close to the playstation font isnt it? haha i couldnt figure it out.

yup...i used it myself once, for a Southern New Hampshire baseball concept


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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