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Buffalo Bills Re-Design!


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B-A-utiful! Mixes the classic OJ era unis with modern influences. MUCH better than the current "how many shades can we squeeze in" look, and it also gets rid of the NFL-Europeesque road unis. Very nice!


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Thanks guys for all the great comments! As for the font, I used stock Illustrator CS fonts and tried to match one that resembled the shape of the stripe in the logo. If/when I get more time, I was thinking about creating a complete font set that more closely resembles that look.

As for the Two white jerseys...the idea was to have one that could be warn with the red pants (an idea I think the "new" Bills should seriously think about...blue is over done), and one that could be used with the blue. I am NOT a fan of side stripes that don't have uniformity all the way down the uniform (the Bills current look, the broncos when they wear white tops and blue bottoms).

Keep up the comments/suggestions...they're a big help!

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i love those. ive always wanted to use a good times font like that for a pro football team, but its hard to pull off, and im scared haha. you did it well though.

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This is incomparably better than the current uniforms. The only thing I'd suggest is ditching the top color panels on the white jerseys, because the blue and red jerseys don't have them. I don't care for the road socks, either, although I understand how they work in with the pants' side stripe.

I'm sure the Bills' equipment managers would just love the opportunity to have to keep four jerseys, four pairs of pants and four pairs of socks straight for each player.

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I gotta say you did very with with what ya got, especially for you first shot. We all can agree that they need a huge overhaul, but I have yet to give up on the logo cause it's pretty good. Just some constructive criticism...

On the pants stripe, it looks like you went halfway between using the style of the red stripe on the Bills logo and traditional pants striping. It doesn't go well with the more traditional jerseys you have.

I like the white helmet, but two divisional rivals already have white helmets and it just wouldn't fly. I would say stick to the red, but it's up to you.

This has great potential... I must say my first crack at it was complete crap but I got better with practice. Keep on practicing and experimenting and by no time you'll be amazing. Keep it up! ^_^


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very nice designing work :)

i only see a few problems... you mirrored the shoulder numbers, so the one of the numbers is facing the wrong direction on every jersey.... also, i think the jerseys would look better if the buffalo were facing FORWARD on the sleeves, as opposed to looking behind the player.

and i made a concept a while back that used black socks, and i was informed that it's an NFL rule that all teams wear white socks... so your away socks wouldn't cut it, as they've gotta be white with colorful stripes, and not colorful with white stripes.

but as i said, it's an outstanding concept for a first shot. definately better than fluffalo's real unis.

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Not a bad concept. The logos on the sleeve should have the buffalo rushing towards the front of the jersey, not backwards.

Nice job.


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