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Massachusetts Quidditch Conference logo (updated 8/24)


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So a group of my teammates and I were approached to help redesign the logo for the Massachusetts Quidditch Conference, and my design was selected. I've got a bit more time while I'm on vacation and can't do much of anything, so I wanted to see what y'all had to say. Here's the logo sheet I sent them:




For reference, here's the current logo:




Just a heads up - I won't be able to touch anything until Saturday probably, but I'll absolutely be incorporating your C&C when I can. Leave a comment below!


I think it’s a tad too blocky and clunky, the shades of red and blue you chose also clash a bit on the word mark. I’d say the same for the state logo, I’d also adjust the line weights so the hoops and state outlines match. Finally I think the full name logo is impossible to read from afar, whether it be the font or the length of the words I think that’s something to work on especially since this will be represented on shirt tags and stuff, meaning it’ll be harder to read


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A couple thoughts, to take or leave as you see fit:


- The font and MA outline are really jagged when juxtaposed with the goals. Maybe you could rounden the outline a tad?

- The goals are a bit small. You try could centering them and have them extend up out of MA.


That said, it looks solid already, and I could totally see that being used as-is!


Edit: I agree with @BellaSpurs about the line weight, and the busy full wordmark version. However, I think "MQC" works fine, and the blue and red look alright on my screen.


Thanks to both of you for your commentary! I should note (and probably should've noted at the beginning, but my phone was gonna die) that the full-name version of the logo is intended for much larger uses than that (think a Facebook or Twitter header); the acronym version will be used in most applications. I'll for sure look into lightening up the red, thickening up the hoops, and trying to round things off a bit; I think I'd prefer to have everything contained inside that shape, but I'll admit that's something I hadn't really thought of. I don't know that I want to make too drastic changes, though.


I'm back, and I took some of your suggestions into account. I brightened up the red, which should help with the bleeding, and I thickened up the hoops to make the line weights consistent throughout. I tried rounding the corners, but it looked too sloppy and unfinished for my liking, and I couldn't get anything to work with the hoops sticking out of the state, but overall, I think this looks better and I'm happier with this than I was before.




C&C still appreciated!

  • ItDoesntMatter changed the title to Massachusetts Quidditch Conference logo (updated 8/24)


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