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You're presuming that the owners won't start looking around for a new city for ten years. Not a presumption I would make.

I'm sure they are looking right now. There just aren't any takers. Cities aren't just going to hand over $500+ million for a ballpark in this economy.

I know the Marlins got their new stadium, and the fact that they got their new stadium was one of the leading issues as to why their mayor lost a recall election. As a mayor right now you are risking political suicide if you give tax payer money for a new stadium.

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One problem that isn't regularly published is that the city of St Pete will not allow the Rays to even sniff a new venue of any kind outside of city limits. This means that even if the city of Tampa (proper) or any other option has a plan, they really can't go public without roughing the seas.

I have heard of a few possibilities on the Tampa side of the bay, but most are skittish to interfere before the Rays get permission.

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One problem that isn't regularly published is that the city of St Pete will not allow the Rays to even sniff a new venue of any kind outside of city limits. This means that even if the city of Tampa (proper) or any other option has a plan, they really can't go public without roughing the seas.

I have heard of a few possibilities on the Tampa side of the bay, but most are skittish to interfere before the Rays get permission.

I've heard of that as well. I think you could work something out there though. I can't see a situation where St. Pete would rather have the Rays leave the area completely then move to Tampa. The Rays wouldn't be looking into moving to Tampa at all if they thought the lease was that daunting.

If the Rays said we want to stay and we'll build our own ballpark but only if we can go to Tampa, I think they would let them. The biggest concern is probably losing the Trop as a viable venue more then losing the Rays. St. Pete took a huge loss on that stadium for years before the Rays even moved in, so I think all they are looking for is at least a few more years to show that they didn't completely waste their time and money in building the thing because the second the Rays leave the Trop turns into a white elephant.

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If the Rays said we want to stay and we'll build our own ballpark but only if we can go to Tampa, I think they would let them. The biggest concern is probably losing the Trop as a viable venue more then losing the Rays.

Agree to disagree on both those statements.

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The economics of private financing and Tampa's weak corporate base are going to make a privately financed retractable roof, hell any ballpark, next to impossible. Some control over the weather has to be in place at any new facility-- hopefully not another dome,

1997 | 2003

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The economics of private financing and Tampa's weak corporate base are going to make a privately financed retractable roof, hell any ballpark, next to impossible. Some control over the weather has to be in place at any new facility-- hopefully not another dome,

I think its going to be impossible as well which is why I think the Trop is going to be around for much longer then most people would like to think it would be.

Neither Tampa or St. Pete is going to give any money to the Rays and the political and economic climate is in such a way that it may be all but impossible for any other city to give any money for a new ballpark either and I think its going to stay that way for quite some time as well.

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We will see.

But until then, the Rays will continue to be squeezed by a fanbase that doesn't really like the team and won't come out to the ballpark no matter how competitive the team is on the field. Something will give.

"Untenable business model" suggests that the Rays won't be in Tampa Bay as long as you would like to think they will be. :P

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MLB Ratings

If this isn't telling, then I don't know what is A 37% decrease with a contending team?

Also surprising (to me anyway) is the household numbers. I know Phila is a bigger market than Boston but I wouldn't have expected that dramatic of a difference.

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Vancouver would be a much better candidate for a Major League baseball team. It's the biggest hotbed of baseball in the country and has been for a while now. However with the money they just spent on the Olympics and the renovations to BC Place, there's no way a MLB calibre ballpark will be built in the area, unless it is 100% financed by the private sector, and I just can't see that happening.

This isn't a baseball town. A lot of players come from here, but for the most part, this town just doesn't give a care about anything.

The A-ball Canadians are supported well, but that's 36 games a year at $12 a head, in a great old-timey ballpark that sells 24-inch hotdogs.

We just opened a half-billion dollar, renovated BC Place, and were people talking about the Lions victory, or the architecture or the uniqueness of the stadium itself? No, they bitched and moaned about waiting too long for beer. They also complained because the roof was open and it was chilly. Well it's opening night, dumbass, bring a sweater, you're 40. Figure it out.

Yeah. The few that care about baseball will gladly make the trip to Seattle for MLB games.

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One problem that isn't regularly published is that the city of St Pete will not allow the Rays to even sniff a new venue of any kind outside of city limits. This means that even if the city of Tampa (proper) or any other option has a plan, they really can't go public without roughing the seas.

I have heard of a few possibilities on the Tampa side of the bay, but most are skittish to interfere before the Rays get permission.

I've heard of that as well. I think you could work something out there though. I can't see a situation where St. Pete would rather have the Rays leave the area completely then move to Tampa. The Rays wouldn't be looking into moving to Tampa at all if they thought the lease was that daunting.

If the Rays said we want to stay and we'll build our own ballpark but only if we can go to Tampa, I think they would let them. The biggest concern is probably losing the Trop as a viable venue more then losing the Rays. St. Pete took a huge loss on that stadium for years before the Rays even moved in, so I think all they are looking for is at least a few more years to show that they didn't completely waste their time and money in building the thing because the second the Rays leave the Trop turns into a white elephant.

That wouldn't make sense for anybody. Why would the Rays move back to the Tampa region after leaving for another city?glare.gif

The thing you're missing is, everyone is saying the entire situation is untenable. Horrible stadium in terrible location, no prospects for a new stadium, terrible attendance. The biggest thing is, as everyone has been saying, the TV ratings are way down. The market has already failed. At this point, not even a PNC of the south in the perfect location in Tampa would save the team because if people can't be bothered to watch the team on TV, they won't come to the new ballpark no matter how cool it is. I mean, I don't like watching Rays home games due to the opressive dreariness of the dome, but I wouldn't let that keep me from watching baseball. There would be no use for the Rays to build a new stadium in Tampa to keep them in the region, as that would just lock them into this horrible market for 20 or more years. At this point, it is a matter of waiting it out until a new city presents itself. Then the Rays are gone right away.

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Yes, we all know that.

Sometimes we use "Tampa" as shorthand for "Tampa Bay" or "Tampa Bay region," because we all know what we mean. I try to spell it out each time, unless I'm responding to a direct point, but sometimes it's not worth the extraneous verbiage.

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They'll manage to get that ballclub moved before long. No way those Wall Street dudes who bought the club are going to sit idle. They'll figure something out and they'll find a venue for them in the next 5 years one way or another. No doubt about it. They've made it a profitable club from the doldrums and if the people in that spring training town don't want them, they'll find a city that does. I just hope they do while the club is still good.

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I remember some time around February 2010, I want to say, there were rumors swirling of the Rays possibly moving to Fairfield county, Connecticut, which is where I live. I havn't heard anything about that since, and I have to say there is no way that would work. No way the Rays can compete with the Yankees, Mets, and Red Sox for fans around here.

Although, if they did move near me I would go all the time.


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OK, this is crazy...

Would anyone in TB ever consider giving the Rays Steinbrenner Field site and have the Yankees move spring ops to St. Pete. Is there room to expand Steinbrenner field? I would think it would have enough parking with Ray Jay right there. St. Pete is closer to the beaches so I think Yankees spring training tourists would like that.

"I did absolutely nothing and it was everything I thought it could be." -Peter Gibbons

RIP Demitra #38

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Sounds like one fan's wishful thinking. Maybe a guy who lives in Fairfield. :P

Haha, very wishful thinking. I heard it in the news one day back in early 2010.


This is one of articles about it that was reported at the time. I will say I was very excited about it. There was an article in the local newspaper that got me really pumped up, but I havn't heard anything about it since. Not just moving to CT, the Rays moving in general.


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