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I think it looks amazing. I would love to see that "netting" used, a really interesting design element. With the Rays picking up a large part of the cost hopefully this can get done.

My wife-to-be is starting to look for her residency options, Tampa is on the short list, and if this park gets the green light I might have to bump it up a few notches.

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Man, that tower really reminds me of the old Stade Olympique in Montreal. Just another thing to add to the list of Rays-Expos similarities.

Engine, Engine, Number Nine, on the New York transit line,

If my train goes off the track, pick it up! Pick it up! Pick it up!

Back on the scene, crispy and clean,

You can try, but then why, 'cause you can't intervene.

We be the outcast, down for the settle. Won't play the rock, won't play the pebble.

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yup, there go the Olympic Stadium in Montreal comaprisons.....:P

nonetheless, one thing that intrigues me about this sort of design, is how will it stand up to a potential hurricane?

The roof would then be in Mississippi?


"Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire."

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It rather looks like the lovechild of Kaufman and Olympic Stadiums, which is actually kind of fitting since the team is like the product of a one-night stand between the Royals and Expos.

While the stadium as whole shows promise, it's like they mainly wanted to just show off their breakthrough roofing idea, and just whipped up something for the rest of a stadium to put the netting on. I'm a big fan of retro ballparks, but I also love where they're going with this, they just need to work on the main part of the park a little. There's not much in the outfield area, other than some seats, and a, by todays standards, relatively small videoboard behind the left field seats. But it's like their main focus is to be on the Hoist tower.

It's a good start, but they need to give it a little more. Kind of like the way they should've done with their logo and uniforms.

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I like it. It looks 1000 times better than the Trop. The new downtown area looks nice too.

I agree with the comments on the wiring system, not perfect, but then its another quirk to the park, just like every other park has its own features.

2 questions:

Anyone know if Tropicana will take up the naming rights? Perhaps "(New) Tropicana at Al Lang"?


I wonder what impact this will have on the St. Petersburg Grand Prix?

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I wonder what impact this will have on the St. Petersburg Grand Prix?

It would definitely have to be re-routed as part of the track would have a baseball stadium on top of it. :P

But I have a feeling it would probably kill the Grand Prix altogether. As a resident of downtown St. Pete I can tell you that having three straights days of not being able to sleep due to noise has not gone over well with the locals here and the days of the Grand Prix are already numbered. That and I don't think it makes much money either. I'm surprised its lasted as long as it has.

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Looks great to me. I have been to Tropicana three times and it is the weirdest place to watch a baseball game. Their is so much gray everywhere and it is so quiet. A lot of the minor league parks down in Florida have a better atmosphere. I hope that this gets done because it would really help the city and the team.



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Looks great to me. I have been to Tropicana three times and it is the weirdest place to watch a baseball game. Their is so much gray everywhere and it is so quiet. A lot of the minor league parks down in Florida have a better atmosphere. I hope that this gets done because it would really help the city and the team.

It is quite, because whenever I'm watching the Blue Jays game when their playing down there you can always here that one guy in the stans cherping everyone.

some of the stuff he says is pretty funny though.

Hopefully this new ball park does help the Rays out a liltle bit attendance wise.

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So who is taking bets on which stadium is built first or if any of them will be built at all: Oakland, Tampa Bay or Florida.

I'll say..

1. Oakland (2011)

2. Tampa Bay (2012)

3. Florida (???)

The Marlins have to vacate Dolphin Stadium by 2010 at the latest, so I assume that if they do not show progress very soon, that Huizenga will not be willing to work with them on any kind of extension.

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  • 2 months later...

It's been discussed here before, but I saw it was on the front page of yahoo this morning.

Hopefully it happens cause Tropicana is an ugly place to play baseball in. I hate pure domes in baseball, and if this happens then there wont be anymore.

Now we need Cisco Field to go through in Oakland and then we can close the book on the cookie cutter dual sport stadiums in baseball. Except for Toronto, which I don't think they have any plans to build a new stadium anytime soon. I can live with the Rogers Center though.

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