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Now we need Cisco Field to go through in Oakland and then we can close the book on the cookie cutter dual sport stadiums in baseball. Except for Toronto, which I don't think they have any plans to build a new stadium anytime soon. I can live with the Rogers Center though.

I never considered the Rogers Centre cookie-cutter... the giant restaurant in centrefield and the hotel built all around the scoreboard save it from cookie-cutter status.

I wouldn't mind seeing them kind of "spruce" up the sort of bland blue walls. But, mainly, they need to cut the infield as if it were a grass field, like Tampa Bay does. The dirt only around the bases just looks bad nowadays. Once Minnesota has their new park, Toronto would be the last ones with this type of field cut. It's time for it to go.

So if they're the only one in the league doing so, wouldn't that be the opposite of "cookie-cutter"?

I didn't say they were cookie-cutter for doing it, I'm just saying that look in general is a bit dated, and is just kind of associated with astroturf, which is not necessarily a good thing.

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  • 3 years later...

...but people love the Rays!

"We replicated last year and our numbers were down," Tampa Bay owner Stuart Sternberg said. "The (television) ratings were down. The rubber has got to hit the road at some point. We're four years into winning. We're getting to the point where we don't control our own destiny. This is untenable as a model."
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If the Rays move the fans will only have themselves to blame. I dont care if its an awful stadium, TV raitings being down is the bigger concern, that means nobody cares about that team.



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And they have a great team. A fun team with great young players and at least one genuine superstar. They compete for the playoffs year after year, and yet people don't come to the ballpark. People don't even watch on television.

People in the Tampa Bay area can't even fall back on the "give us a winning team and we'll support them" line.

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That team needs to move immediately, because what is happening down in St Pete lately is a joke. Hell, if they can still fit a baseball field into BC Place, they should move the Rays to Vancouver... at least we know people like baseball there.

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One of the best teams in MLB, second worst attendance. Simply pathetic. When you can't even attract bandwagoners, that's pitiful. At least it's not like they have to give away 20 000 free tickets during a pennant race, right? Oh, wait...


Nobody cares about your humungous-big signature. 

PotD: 29/1/12



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At least this isn't happening in Oakland...


On-topic, though, I'm torn over whether or not the rays should move. On the one hand, they aren't doing well business-wise down there, but who are we to decide that a city should lose its team?

You just don't understand how things work, do you?

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I have been a loyal fan of the Rays since 1998, albeit not a Tampa resident. It's abundantly clear to me that the interest is not and will never be there in Tampa. The MLB has given it a shot, but Tampa will sadly always be Yankees/Sox/Mets territory, that's been more than proven.

I mean, damn... the Sonics were moved for less.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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OK, to be fair.....to those of you who say relocate, name me some REALISTIC places that could get them. Don't just name places you WANT them to go.

I'd say Charlotte NC or Vancouver, BC. The only reason that the Charlotte Knights hadn't built a new ballaprk there is because of the whole "we are holding off just in case they put a Major League team here" deal.


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If there was an obvious place for them to relocate, they'd already have moved. The lack of an empty stadium elsewhere is the only argument for keeping them in St. Petersburg.

Has there ever been an MLB stadium that supported two teams simultaneously? I wonder if someplace like DC, Atlanta or LA could add the Rays in an extant park. There many obvious obstacles to any of those cities, and scheduling would be a nightmare, but I'm just wondering if there's precedence to that kind of arrangement.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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