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If there was an obvious place for them to relocate, they'd already have moved. The lack of an empty stadium elsewhere is the only argument for keeping them in St. Petersburg.

Has there ever been an MLB stadium that supported two teams simultaneously? I wonder if someplace like DC, Atlanta or LA could add the Rays in an extant park. There many obvious obstacles to any of those cities, and scheduling would be a nightmare, but I'm just wondering if there's precedence to that kind of arrangement.

The Yankees shared Shea Stadium with the Mets during the 1974 and 1975 seasons while Yankees Stadium (the old one) was renovated.

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OK, to be fair.....to those of you who say relocate, name me some REALISTIC places that could get them. Don't just name places you WANT them to go.

Charlotte, NC, Portland, OR, or Vancouver, BC come to


Portland doesn't have stadium anymore after they renovated their's into a soccer specific one.


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-Florida's favorite major league baseball team is a tie between the Florida Marlins and Tampa Bay Rays at 17% each. The Atlanta Braves, at 14%, and New York Yankees, at 10%, both hit double digit support in the state as well. The Cubs at 7%, Red Sox at 6%, Phillies at 3%, and Mets at 2% round out the field. The fact that 42% of voters in the state pick an out of state MLB team as their favorite to only 34% for the Rays and Marlins is just another data point for the failure of the home state teams to really capture residents' hearts. Maybe that will change with the opening of the new Marlins ballpark and if the Rays ever get one.

-Florida's in state NFL teams fare a little better. 21% say the Dolphins are their favorite to 15% for the Buccaneers, 14% for the Jaguars, 8% for the Cowboys, 7% for the Patriots, 4% each for the Giants and Jets, and 3% for the Falcons.

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Move 'em to Iowa and they will come.

See, that's the problem... waiting for "them to come" is what got baseball into this mess. The Rays need to move to an area with demonstrated baseball interest. I know that the Vancouver Canadians have drawn really well since they were brought back in 2000... maybe it's time to give that market a shot at the major leagues.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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If only Gary Bettman was MLB commissioner...

They would've been moved to Birmingham, Alabama by now. :P

But yeah, Gothamite basically brought up the best point: If there was a viable city that was ready to take the team on, they'd be out of Tampa.

I'm probably gonna sound like a hypocrite considering what town I come from (the same town from which the hockey team I loved got whisked away mainly due to lack of interest from the rest of the local base), but that team deserves much better than what they're getting right now. It's not like they're the Marlins, who have had 2 World Series runs and have been largely irrelevant other than those two runs. Against all odds, they've built themselves into a consistent winner in the toughest division in all of baseball (and maybe North American pro sports), they've got one of the most exciting players in the league in Evan Longoria, and people still don't go to the park. I can understand people being repulsed by the fact that they play in a glorified Wal-Mart, but if you have to tarp off seats for a playoff series, something's wrong.

However, there's nowhere for em to go. But could the infamous c-word that was floating around a decade ago come back now? Unless Oakland gets their situation sorted out & Tampa starts supporting the team, it could happen.



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I'm just curious to what their attendance was for the last 10 or so games of the year and the 2 playoff games. This season should have seen a huge spike, especially at the end, considering they beat out the team that 'stole' their superstar in Carl Crawford, the Red Sox.

They didn't draw worth :censored:.

Something like 18-20 for the series... they MIGHT have sold out the last night (although I have my doubts), but not any night prior.

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If there was an obvious place for them to relocate, they'd already have moved. The lack of an empty stadium elsewhere is the only argument for keeping them in St. Petersburg.

Has there ever been an MLB stadium that supported two teams simultaneously? I wonder if someplace like DC, Atlanta or LA could add the Rays in an extant park. There many obvious obstacles to any of those cities, and scheduling would be a nightmare, but I'm just wondering if there's precedence to that kind of arrangement.

The Cardinals played in Sportsman's Park while the Browns owned it.

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Move 'em to Iowa and they will come.

See, that's the problem... waiting for "them to come" is what got baseball into this mess. The Rays need to move to an area with demonstrated baseball interest. I know that the Vancouver Canadians have drawn really well since they were brought back in 2000... maybe it's time to give that market a shot at the major leagues.

Please tell me you realized that was a reference to Field of Dreams.

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The only reason that the Rays even exist is because St. Pete already had a stadium sitting there and couldn't seal the deal with the attempted Giants and White Sox moves. The fact of the matter is that other than a poorly configured football stadium, there's no place to move a team anymore, lest some owner drink enough absinthe to consider giving Montreal another go.


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If there was an obvious place for them to relocate, they'd already have moved. The lack of an empty stadium elsewhere is the only argument for keeping them in St. Petersburg.

Has there ever been an MLB stadium that supported two teams simultaneously? I wonder if someplace like DC, Atlanta or LA could add the Rays in an extant park. There many obvious obstacles to any of those cities, and scheduling would be a nightmare, but I'm just wondering if there's precedence to that kind of arrangement.

The Yankees shared Shea while Yankee Stadium was being rebuilt. There was talk of the Expos playing out of Fenway as a contingency plan if Washington didn't get its crap together after baseball pulled the plug on Montreal. That actually happened, with the DC city council saying "wait a minute we didn't agree to this," but I think the contingency plan was changed to Norfolk.

Didn't the Phillies and A's share a park?

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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Move 'em to Iowa and they will come.

See, that's the problem... waiting for "them to come" is what got baseball into this mess. The Rays need to move to an area with demonstrated baseball interest. I know that the Vancouver Canadians have drawn really well since they were brought back in 2000... maybe it's time to give that market a shot at the major leagues.

Please tell me you realized that was a reference to Field of Dreams.

I... uh... haven't seen it.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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A rumor I heard had Bud telling Montreal that if they build a stadium MLB would deliver a team immediately. There are many reasons why baseball could work in Montreal, with the Canadian dollar roughly equivalent to the American one, provided they aren't given another owner who is put in place by the commissioner to sabotage the team so they can be moved. It will be sad if it took a decade or so for Montreal to build a new stadium when that could have saved the original Expos, just like Cleveland and Houston building new stadiums after their footbal teams left. Of course, it's also sad that taxpayer dollars are being spent on such things to begin with.

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I think the province is chipping in a little on the new QC rink, and very begrudgingly. I don't see them underwriting two sports projects at once.

As a lover of all things French-Canadian except gravy fries, I would love to see baseball back in Montreal, but I fear that Loi 101 and the Loria/Selig conspiracy have ruined baseball there forever. Shame.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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One of the TBS announcers said at the Rays first home playoff game that it was the first sellout since opening day. I still think the issue is the location of the ballpark. Of course getting a new one built will be quite a struggle I'm sure.

As far as two teams sharing one park, I don't see that happening again. See how the Scranton Yankees are vagabonds next year because no IL team wanted to host 140 games and have their field damaged.

"I did absolutely nothing and it was everything I thought it could be." -Peter Gibbons

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