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College Untouchables


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Ok I am new to the board so forgive me if this has already been done or if you think it is a stupid idea.

College football has some pretty untouchable uni-designs. Traditionalists absolutlely hate the idea of tweaking some famed college jerseys....the classic look i guess is what they would call it. But I thought it might be fun to "redesign" or "spice up" some classic college looks. Seeing the talent level of people on this board I think there could be some great concepts. So here are some that instantly popped to mind....let me know if I am leaving any off.

Penn State


Notre Dame



Ohio State

Feel free to post any concepts or ideas for these or other teams.

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I've got to add Tennessee home orange unis and helmets. They will not be changed. They have had a couple of different versions of the whites (away) over the years, but the orange jerseys have been the same for years. But this is of course coming from a Vol grad and fan.

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Florida State has changed their uniforms at least twice over the past decade. I'd hardly call their look untouchable.

The others belong there, though. The only other one that should be on that list is Oregon...

...just kidding! :P

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I would add USC..

Not considered a 'real classic' by many but they really have not changed, minus a stripe here or there. + it was Tailback U for so long.




All might be on the fringe.. but I will leave that to a debate.

"Try not to have a good time ... This is supposed to be educational."

- Charles Schulz


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I hate when UW plays Michigan cus we always seem to find a way to blow sure wins against teh Blue ones...that said, touching the untouchable is my schtick and i was in rare form here :D



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Ah the Viles....I mean Vols....yeah their look is classic....detestible to me an Alabama fan, but classic

Whoa, I registered twice, and I have AMNESIA!

I'll try to make Notre Dame look like "THE FIGHTING IRISH"


I don't speak for democrats, democrats don't speak for me.

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they changed back in 1999 but University of Hawaii's Jersey should never change they're original and should keep a long line of tradition

how ironic...i was in walmart today and saw someone in a checkout line wearing a UH black jersey, which i'm guessing was authentic: it even had teh WAC patch on it. (this is in Wisconsin, mind you. you don't even see Badger authentics that much, although i figure with adidas now selling authentic college jerseys i'll start seeing em)

didn't see the back but i saw a tv number, anyone on UH wear 90, walrus?


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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Looks like they will change though. I saw pictures of Hawai'i wearing white helmets and black or green masks.

hose are thier practice jerseys and helmets

and The RainBowTique the official UH store sells replica jerseys with a metled wac patch on.I own a #14 Chang jersey but #90 I think is #90 Tony Akpan


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Florida State has changed their uniforms at least twice over the past decade. I'd hardly call their look untouchable.

In that case, Notre Dame shouldn't be included either since they've changed their uniforms at least twice over the past decade.


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