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This is my solution to the Anaheim Ducks' identity crisis. The team can't seem to figure out if they want to embrace their Mighty Ducks identity or their Cup-winning look, and this concept combines the two. The striping is a combination of the team's current orange alternate jerseys and their inaugural jerseys, while the beloved Mighty Ducks logo returns as the crest. The webbed-D logo sticks around, albeit in a simplified manner, both on the shoulders and the pants.



I know I'm far from the first person to take the Ducks down this route, but I hope they do something like this when they inevitably redesign their home and road jerseys. The Ducks have the building blocks in place to make a great brand, but their delivery just falls flat. Even small tweaks like these would go a long way in making the Ducks' visual identity much more distinct.

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If the Ducks stay with the Orange and Black, then they could do a lot worse than do something like this. Pretty nice, only change I would make is an all black collar on both jerseys.


Thanks for the feedback and warm response, everybody. Here are a couple of alternates I designed to go along with that set. The first jersey is meant to be a mesh between the Ducks' current primary jerseys and their inaugural sweaters. The minimalist, un-italicized webbed-D logo appears as the main crest, and the orange pants from the team's second Reverse Retro make another appearance. The jersey looked fine with normal black pants, but the orange made the whole uniform pop. The second alternate jersey is pretty much a recoloring of the team's inaugural jerseys, albeit with a few slight tweaks to the uniform and logos.



Any thoughts on these?

  • DTConcepts changed the title to Anaheim Ducks Designed by DT Concepts — Part Two: Alternates

im not sold on the orange pants and the toned-down D logo but everything else is perfect. this is probably the best orange/black ducks concept i've ever seen


I like the home and road a lot. Although I feel like if you have the angled hem stripes you have to have the angled sleeve stripes too. 

really cool template as well. 

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