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2025 MLB Uniform/Logo Changes

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8 minutes ago, Digby said:


I find most of the covered seats at Fenway Park to be deafeningly loud with how they pump the noise in. And it's not the music (their organ guy can be as loud as he wants), it's the canned noise with screen graphics and the PA announcements themselves that are just physically painful in volume. I get that it's mostly old farts that go to these games now but...

Exactly. That's every stadium of almost every sport, with the exception of soccer stadiums where supporters drive much of the sound. 


The NBA is the absolute worst when it comes to in-game experience. It's basically a dance and light show with a little bit of basketball in between. 


(I know this has nothing to do with MLB uniforms, but let a guy rant. ;) )

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52 minutes ago, Anubis2051 said:


Except for, you know, playing there since 1996...


They have zero stake, zero say, and contributed nothing towards the renovations.  Their presence as tenants (and someday, their lack of presence) has no bearing on the fact that the arena won't be replaced for decades.


The only connection that I can think of between decisions made on the arena that the Sixers "influence" is the income Comcast gets from their rent check, which will be going away.  So technically some of that private financing is 3-degrees of separation from the Sixers, but the Sixers are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.


HOWEVER... the new arena still has one more approval to get, which isn't just a formality.  I think it's going to happen, but it's certainly not a certainty and it's about the most divisive project I can remember here in a longgggg time... if ever.

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8 hours ago, Digby said:

Why would anyone want a bigger scoreboard? 55" 4K TV's are like $150 now, just stay home and watch that. The gigantic screens plastered over any flat surface in stadia/arenas over the past 10-15 years are one of the worst trends in pro sports, and there's a lot to pick from. 

I'm 100% on board with this argument for Camden Yards. The scoreboard there does it's job, and I can still get a good look at it from every section of the stadium, CF bleachers aside obviously. Same can be said for the secondary screen underneath that usually displays the batter's statistics on every at-bat.


Also, I can't see how it'd be possible to design a scoreboard that would take up that entire wall. Sure, it may not be too difficult to make two video boards become one, but given the sides where the banner ads reside, I'd figure that'd take a lot of work, especially if the hope isn't to tear down the entire wall and build a new one.


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I love the video and audio elements of going to a sporting event. Sometimes they overdo it on the volume, but it always interests me to see the way a team builds its brand through these elements. Big scoreboards are cool! And seeing replays is huge, especially if you're in the cheap seats and you don't always have a good view. 

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