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Calgary Flames Concept


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Wanted to revisit the Flames' previous branding and try to clean it up, perhaps a "what should have happened with Adidas" originally to move away from the Edge design. I'm undecided on the combo for the home jersey. I also want to create a new shoulder patch, workshopping an updated blasty, or a flame/maple leaf combo.


1. Black logo and numbers

2. Black logo and white numbers

3. White logo and white numbers



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Very nice! All of these are improvements on what was we got in 2007. I was never as big a critic of the black flaming C as others were, so I personally like the far left option since it pretty much follows what they actually wore from 2003 to 2007. The only changes I would make on the white version are:

  • Get some more red in the collar, whether that's the back half or the piping all the way round or both.
  • Make the laces either black or red. Probably red would look better, but that may all depend on the collar.
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Thanks. I agree on getting more red but struggle with balancing the colors. There’s not a great way to get red, black and yellow on it, which would balance it out more. Ill take another swing at that part. 

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