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A Yankee fan comes to terms....


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Congratulations to the Red Sox and their fans from a Twins fan. Once upon a time we Twins fans knew what it was like to have a monkey on our backs. I'm glad you got that 1,000-pound gorilla off your backs.

And congratulations to the classy Yankees fans who have offered your congrats to the Red Sox and their fans. I know it's not easy for Yankees fans, especially being the shoe is on the other foot. But you know that curses can't last forever and that the Red Sox victory will only make your rivalry more fun.

Now, as for you Yankee fans who are rubbing your 26 championships in the Red Sox fans face ... get a life. This is baseball, for crying out loud, not nuclear war. If you can't handle the Red Sox finally winning a title in 86 years, then what can you handle?

And the Red Sox winning the World Series offers hope. Who knows, maybe even the Vikings will win a Super Bowl.

Maybe. Just maybe.

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Well, from a die-hard Braves Fan:

You can have all the World Series, all the AL's, all the money..but let me tell you something:

We still don't like you.

I must tell you, the Yankee fans are in agreement with the Mets fans when it comes to the Braves.

We don't like you either.

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Hey J. Quincy King, you surely will like this article.


That writer said that the Red Sox BECAME the Yankees. :lol:

Great article, and it is true.

Welcome to the Dark Side, Boston.

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