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How to '3D' a logo for a Helmet

Nick 1733

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Alright, since so many people are asking. This is how to make a logo look right on your 3D helmet.

Using Photoshop

Step 1: Pick the logo you want on the helmet, make it about 200 pixels (the largest part)

Step 2: Make sure it's only the logo, clear out the background.

Step 3: Rotate the canvas 20 degrees counter-clockwise [image/Rotate Canvas/Arbitrary].


Step 4: Open a new canvas that is 800x800 pixels, make the background the same color as the helmet you will be putting the logo on.

Step 5: Copy and paste the rotated logo into the new canvas and place it in the top left hand corner like so...


Step 6: Flatten the image.

Step 7: Spherize the image [Filter/Distort/Spherize] and put it at 72%...


Note - You might have to undo the spherize and flatten image and move the logo around and keep flattening and spherizing it until it looks right to you.

Step 8: Use the lasso tool to select the logo, cut it and then paste it onto your helmet which should already have the colors you want.


Note - Make sure you re-size the 'cut' logo so it looks right on the helmet.

Step 9: Erase the extra background color that covers up details of the helmet and that goes over the egde of the helmet.

Your final image should look something like this:


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a thing i do with illustrator that it not quite "spherical" but it gets the job done and gets the point across is to use free distort and bend the upper left corner in a little and maybe the lower right out a little, just experiment until it has a little more perspective.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

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Thanks guys, I thought of it when I saw the Broncos official 3D helemt and the logo was just tilted and slapped on the helmet, it looks terrible. So since I learned Photoshop years before Illustrator I knew about the spherize feature and thought that it might work.

Then if you want it vectorized, you'll have to trace it manually in Illustrator.

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Thanks guys, I thought of it when I saw the Broncos official 3D helemt and the logo was just tilted and slapped on the helmet, it looks terrible. So since I learned Photoshop years before Illustrator I knew about the spherize feature and thought that it might work.

Then if you want it vectorized, you'll have to trace it manually in Illustrator.

you should be able to 'spherize' it manually in illustrator using the envelope distort function with a tighter (8x8 or more) grid setting.

in theory.

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