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My first concept drawing.


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I just now got finished my first set of concepts. I just basically reworked the Atlanta Braves uniforms to how I would like them. There are some changes to the home and away jerseys, but I wouldn't totally consider them really major. I did make a alternate set. However, I couldn't decide on which alternate hat I wanted, so I post basically the same set with different hats. Both have the Braves BP logo, it's just that both hats have different color scheme. At first, I couldn't decide which one looked better, so made both sets. Sorry to keep y'all waiting. Here they are. Please be nice to me considering that this is my very first concept post on this board. There are some cosmetic flaws to the designs, but I think you will all get the overall idea of my designs. As I said, c&c welcome. Thanks.

Home: BravesHomeUni.gif

Away: bravesawayuni.gif

Alternate with Cap 1: bravesaltuni1.png

Alternate with Cap 2: bravesalt2.gif

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Not bad. Not really much different at all, except for the addition of the numbers on the front. Looks pretty good, not to cluttered suprisingly, considering the tomahawk.

I like the second alt color scheme better, it has better contrast.

Back-to-Back Fatal Forty Champion 2015 & 2016

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Looks pretty good, not to cluttered suprisingly, considering the tomahawk.

I like the second alt color scheme better, it has better contrast.

It really helped that the script on CC's site was the perfect size for the template I used. That alone was a life saver.

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this is not a knock at this particular concept, but its been bugging me for a while....

what is it with everyone coloring the sanitary socks a darker color then the stirrups? It looks god-awful! if youre gonna color the sanitary socks at least make sure the stirrup is the darker color! :evil:

that is all, carry on.

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I have to agree with ICS. Having dark sandies doesn't look really good. Individuals either go with the stirrup with the white sandy or a solid color sock. Not a mixture of both. I also have to agree that it doesn't appear that there was much change to the uni, with the exception of adding the number on the front. It's nice, but honestly I really don't see the originality. Sorry.

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Also, I've always thought the way I have the socks looked good. I didn't know that I had quite a few people on this board that didn't like them.

I think darker sanitaries have been pulled off successfully once. The White Sox used blue sanitaries under white stirrups in 1970. I think it looked good in that case:



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