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Baylor Bears


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This bear looks like he's raising his hand to answer a question in class, not to tear someone up. Could have been a little more dynamic / ferocious.

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i think theres too much empty black space in the bear.


To me, this bear doesn't look as fierce as the previous one. Mind you, the wordmark is looking much better, but the bear looks more lazy than aggressive. At least, compared to the previous logo. But that's just me.

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The bear was humping the wordmark!!

The old marks came out in the late 90s and I knew they weren't going to last too long. The bear was ok- I liked how it incorporated green, but the marks were minor league baseball.

This one is pretty good. Wish the bear had some sort of gold in there, but Baylor's bear is a black bear, and these colors are appropriate.

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