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Bring Back the Braves Indian Head Logo


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I think it comes down to whether a team incorporating Indian imagery in its visual identity is willing to at least acknowledge their obligation to be respectful to the Indian community.

Some organizations, the Florida St. Seminoles being a prime example, have been highly successful at partnering with local Seminoles in this process. Other organizations still do take that "Why should I care what Indians today think?" stance, though.

Well, a good number of Indians today care a lot less about Chief Wahoo than they do about poverty and alcohol abuse on reservations today. So many could care less about a baseball team's logo.

I figure that if a team is going to profit really well off of an Indian caricature logo, it would be a nice gesture if said teams would donate a portion of merchandise proceeds to some worthy cause... benefiting reservation schools, clinics, etc. I mean, if you want to defend the preservation of some of these logos/names with tradition, why not acknowledge the source (however oddly imagined by graphic artists) of that silly invented tradition?

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it was dropped because the communist PC Mobs terrorized the organization in to dropping the logo. much like they do with all the other teams with native american logos. i personally don't care if it offends native indians. i know the history of the native indians and its not the rosy red image the communist PC mob has brainwashed everyone in to believing.

i personally don't care for the logo on an aesthetic level. its a bit silly to look at it.

the tomahawk logo is much easier on the eyes and much more simpler. plus i associate the logo with those dreaded baby blues. :evil:

So you know the "real" history do you? Interesting. Funny how crackpots always have the "truth" isn't it?


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it was dropped because the communist PC Mobs terrorized the organization in to dropping the logo. much like they do with all the other teams with native american logos. i personally don't care if it offends native indians. i know the history of the native indians and its not the rosy red image the communist PC mob has brainwashed everyone in to believing.

Don't you mean that consumers expressed their individual preferences against the logo and the capitalist team owners responded to market pressures? It's the American way!

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Ha! Too true.

RickV, I think it always was a dark navy blue (until Atlanta used royal blue in the '70s and '80s). I may be wrong, though. I am color-blind and sometimes can't tell the difference between dark navy blue and black.

Nope, the tomahawk was black from time time they introduced it in Boston until the Milwaukee Braves took it off the uniforms.

The Atlanta Braves never wore the black tomahawk, but they will this year, on the red alternate.

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What's he laughing about.

He caught Al Jolson's act before the "communist PC mob" cracked down on freedom.


I am sorry to disagree, but that is not funny. It a photo of Ted Danson doing the same next? please spare me the "Eddie Murphy or Waynans brothers" did it on SNL and in a movie, because that does not make it accpetable. I guess you think "Birth of a Nation" has cinematographic attributes?

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To me, the old Braves logo looks a whole lot more dignified than the Indians' Chief Wahoo logo.

That said, though, I do like the tomahawk look, although I'd like to see that A with the tomahawk in it used a lot more.

Maybe, as a compromise, they should use the A with the tomahawk logo on the left sleeve where the Indian in Full Headress or Cheering Brave with Mohawk would be.

Try that on a template of the Braves' home and road unis and see how that looks.

Atlanta Braves, please bring back the Indian Head logo.

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I agree they should bring it back


I agree to.

However, could they bring back the old Boston/Milwaukee Braves full headress logo that the Braves used in the 1948 series and in the Braves' first few seasons in Milwaukee? It would be more dignified.

I agree. (If this is it???)


Yes, that would be the logo.

Atlanta Braves, please bring back the Indian Head logo.

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