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Ok I think this is the last dragon

Phat Kid

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Okay as some of you are aware I had tried a few weeks back for a dragon logo and what I gto was less than dragonish. So I sketched and sketched and sketched until I think I have my final one. I want so constructive crits on this as I think if I do one more this will be the base. So with further blabbing here it is:



Please let me know what you think. Thank you.

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Okay as some of you are aware I had tried a few weeks back for a dragon logo and what I gto was less than dragonish. So I sketched and sketched and sketched until I think I have my final one. I want so constructive crits on this as I think if I do one more this will be the base. So with further blabbing here it is:


Please let me know what you think. Thank you.

wtf, is that the new Power Rangers Red Ranger Mask?

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Well thank you for the comments. Any ideas on how to make it look like a dragon? As I said if there is no feedback as to how to make it look like one this is probably the one I will go with. So anyway to make it look more like a dragon will be appreciated. Thanks.

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maybe start by simplifying it some - take out the bright red and grey "stuff" - that might be a start, then give it a more clearly defined mouth and eyes - the shape is good, for the most part, but there is too much going on that takes away from the shape

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First....its head is shaped like a heart. Which is confusing.

Secondly, there are all kinds of colors, shapes and outlines which do not look like anything and are flattening it out and confusing us as viewers.

I can ONLY tell what the eyes, nose and teeth shapes are. Thats it. Whats kind of frustrating is that those are drawn pretty well.

It makes us feel like the rest is drawn intentionally strange.

Whats the grey on the cheeks? Some sort of spikes or scale things? If so, then why are they grey, heavily outlined and attached to that grey rectangle?

Are the front spikes indeed teeth? How bout put your outline there? Or a bottom jaw?

What is the bright red stuff on its face? Flames? Highlights? if they are highlights dont outline them.

You've definitely got some ability, but this is a difficult style to draw in. As I've said a million times here, you have to mean every single shape and know why its there and what its doing.

Lastly, get rid of the downturned horns. Even if you dragon has them, htey are reinforcing the goat comments.

The Official Cheese-Filled Snack of NASCAR

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Thank you for those comments. Just to address a few things that seem to cause confusion.First the grey areas are spikes and horns. I'm not sure why I made the sides of the face grey I will have to fix that. As far as taking the grey out no can do. Everytime I did it before I was told it looked like a cat. When it actually goes to the jersey it is supposed to be a dark silver. As far as the bright red on the face it is flames. Yes the spikes at the bottom are indeed teeth. And that thing underneath is a bottom jaw. As far as the downturned horns I will try and make them turned up however everytime I did turned up it looked stupid in my opinion. But like I said I will try it. I did want down turned horns but I will try for the up turned ones. And as far as the heart shape I was told by someone to do a heart/triangle shape so I think I will be sticking with that shape but other than the few things listed I will try. Anything else?

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