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*gulp* first logo concept post!


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*deep breath* Well, I finally had the nerve to take one of my many fantasy team names and post a logo concept for you all to tear apart. I thought it came out well. Please be gentle.

Oh, and in the interest of full disclosure, the knight is a recolored and modified version of Army's black knight.


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Well for a fantasy logo it's pretty cool. But if it was gonna be a 'real' logo some changes I would make are:

Solid color on the word mark, outlining in black

Lose the transparency on the side of the word mark

Attempt to come up with my own knight type character so as not to get in trouble... ^_^

But again solid start and it can be taken to another level. Keep at it!! :D

Hope this wasn't too harsh.


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real nice. it sort of resembles the rutgers scarlet knights logo.


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Twin City is singular........I think it should be Twin Cities

Twin City font is really at odds with Warhammers font.

Logo needs Warhammer in it. Maybe like that big dude from Troy.

Logo needs to be closer in size to wordmark...currently way too small.

No gradients.

Great start. Thanks for sharing. Keep it up.

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Thanks for the replies. I was screwing around in Photoshop and thought I'd toss something in. I couldn't find a good example of a warhammer and that was kind of pissing me off. I thought the knight looked pretty decent but yeah, it really should have a hammer in it. Of course I saw a logo for the Drew University Blazers the other day that had a bear on it. Nothing else, just a bear.

Sterling, I think it can be either Twin City OR Twin Cities, or else every business in the Bangor or Brewer, Maine area (i.e. Twin City Speed Shop, Twin City Motor Inn) are all grammatically incorrect.

Of course with our state's literacy level, anything is possible.

Back to the drawing board!

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Thanks for the replies. I was screwing around in Photoshop and thought I'd toss something in. I couldn't find a good example of a warhammer and that was kind of pissing me off. I thought the knight looked pretty decent but yeah, it really should have a hammer in it. Of course I saw a logo for the Drew University Blazers the other day that had a bear on it. Nothing else, just a bear.

Sterling, I think it can be either Twin City OR Twin Cities, or else every business in the Bangor or Brewer, Maine area (i.e. Twin City Speed Shop, Twin City Motor Inn) are all grammatically incorrect.

Of course with our state's literacy level, anything is possible.

Back to the drawing board!

Champaign/Urbana does the same thing. Twin City Tent and Awning, Twin City Tap, etc.

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Thanks for the replies.  I was screwing around in Photoshop and thought I'd toss something in.  I couldn't find a good example of a warhammer and that was kind of pissing me off.  I thought the knight looked pretty decent but yeah, it really should have a hammer in it.  Of course I saw a logo for the Drew University Blazers the other day that had a bear on it.  Nothing else, just a bear.

Sterling, I think it can be either Twin City OR Twin Cities, or else every business in the Bangor or Brewer, Maine area (i.e. Twin City Speed Shop, Twin City Motor Inn) are all grammatically incorrect.

Of course with our state's literacy level, anything is possible.

Back to the drawing board!

Champaign/Urbana does the same thing. Twin City Tent and Awning, Twin City Tap, etc.

Twin City makes sense, because the business or sports team actually is going to be located in ONE of the Twin Cities. When dealing with one of the cities it is considered a "Twin City"

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I'd definitely avoid using photoshop effects for logos. If you want something that looks authentic, understand that bevels, shadows, textures, and the like would be difficult to reproduce in real life, and that there are better looking methods to add depth and demension to a logo using line art.

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