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Is Corel Painter Essentials 3 a vector or raster program?


"Painter" is a raster program. It is unique in that it mimics actual art media (i.e. painting with watercolors, oils, etc.) in a realistic but digital manner. Corel also has Photopaint and Paintshop Pro, which are also raster but are digital editors like Photoshop. Corel Draw, on the other hand, is the vector program similar to Adobe Illustrator.


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I'm beginning to build a website for myself. I have two, make it three questions:

1. How do I make a link to download the .pdf of my resume?

2. I'm basically doing everything in Illy, then using hotspots for clickable links. Whether or not that's correct isn't my question :D . I'm trying to get the email link clickable, but I can't seem to get it to move where I want it to be or be a hotspot in itself. Any ideas/help?

3. Once I get this stuff actually done, how do I go about actually making it a website. Meaning, I don't know anything about setting up a domain or whatever.

Thanks, fellas. I should have everything linked together by the end of the night...I just need these few things. Then, you can all see my stuff, since I accidentally deleted my photobucket account.

I suppose I should mention I'm using Dreamweaver, in case it's not obvious.

Edit: Nevermind #1. Figured that one out...seems like all you do is link to it. I figured there was more to it.

Edit #2: Now, nevermind #2. We'll see if I can figure out the last part now.

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  • 2 months later...

Alright bringing this back from the dead a bit....

I have an OTF font (Klavika) that I want to use in AutoCAD 2009. However, AutoCAD only uses True Type fonts. Anyway I can convert an Open Type into a True Type?

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Alright bringing this back from the dead a bit....

I have an OTF font (Klavika) that I want to use in AutoCAD 2009. However, AutoCAD only uses True Type fonts. Anyway I can convert an Open Type into a True Type?

FontLab's TransType works well for this type of thing.

FontLab's TransType

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I wrote this in another topic awhile ago, it's better than what I could think of now cause I'm exhausted:

Type out your text, make your curved path, then convert the text to a path. Then select the text, then Shift-select the curve path, then go to Effects > Generate from Path > Pattern along Path. There's a whole bevy of options. "Ribbon" is Vertical arching, "Snake" is Radial. (also you probably want to have it set to Single so it doesn't repeat along the path if it's way off.) The only bad thing is that you can't edit the text or curve after it's done like you can with Put on Path.

hope that helps.

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I have downloaded GIMP as some of you know, I use it for the EA Sports Covers, but I need some "photoshop type" help with this I guess, like I was wondering how is the best way to change jersey/helmet/pants colors in real photos, a good example to what I am talking about is Brandon Odis' Monochrome Madness. Any and I mean ANY help would be very greatly appreciated

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Make a selection around the color area you want to change (like pants for example; I recommend using the paths tool -- should take up to 10 minutes but after a bit of practice you'll be very accurate) and go to Color > Colorize or Hue/Brightness/Saturation... Basically just mess with those sliders until you get the color you want, hope that helps...

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Make a selection around the color area you want to change (like pants for example; I recommend using the paths tool -- should take up to 10 minutes but after a bit of practice you'll be very accurate) and go to Color > Colorize or Hue/Brightness/Saturation... Basically just mess with those sliders until you get the color you want, hope that helps...

Yeah, that works great, Thanks alot!

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