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This is my concept for a football team called the Whippets (a breed of dog similar to a greyhound). I think I'm pretty close to completion, but there are a few things I'm not happy with, and maybe some of you can shed some light on it.

1) Perspective. I used a few pictures for reference, but something about the angle of the snout and side of the head feels like it's a different angle than the mostly side view of the dog. And I don't know how to show the mouth, if it needs teeth or not.

2) Paws. I added a few small triangular shapes to make them seem more paw-like, but are they necessary?

3) Eye. It's not very doglike at all, but to me it doesn't look as bad as I usually make them.

4) Ear. I spent a few days on the ear, from having it longer with it flapping over, to very small and sleek, shaped with the head. I couldn't find close enough pictures to see how the ear looks when it's running, so I faked it.

Anything else look out-of-whack? Besides the colors (inspired by Alabama), I mean.

c/c appreciated, thanks.\

Back-to-Back Fatal Forty Champion 2015 & 2016

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My highschool is called the Whippets.

Downingtown (PA) Whippets to be exact.

Named by sportswriters in the late 1800's, because their football players "ran up and down the fields like the whippets at the dog track." or something like that.

Our helmet was royal blue, with a yellow-gold "D" with the profile of a whippet (similar to yours, but with a less-defined, more-stoic face) running through it.

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Nice. You don't happen to live in Lake Wobegon, do you?

Anyway, as to your queries. Perspective: What you've got is fine. The only thing I'd change is I'd open up the dog's face so that the neck just goes into the head. Keep a version with the big circle jowels to use as the head alone (perhaps on your helmets) but with the body, the head shouldn't look so separate. Also, a whippet's head is proportionally smaller than what you've got. You might want to try a smaller head, although there's nothing wrong with using a disproportionately large head to make the logo look better even if it's less realistic. There's a reason many entertainers and politicians have disproportionately large heads.

Paws: They're great as-is. Keep the little triangles; they make the paws work.

Eye: Play around with improving this. Get the eye right, which is to say, more canine, less like a button, and it will really make the whole logo pop. The eye is the window on the soul for dogs as much as people.

Ear: You got it about right. Whippets fold their ears over and back when they run, like most dogs with that kind of ear, so they look like your logo.

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I would reverse the grays on the face. Also, I would either close his mouth or make it so that the mouth isn't a straight profile, since the rest of the logo is not a straight profile, but angled just a bit. Since the head is angled down a bit, I would expect not see right through his open mouth but rather see the inside of the bottom ofhis mouth.

Other than those little things, I think the logo is great! :notworthy:

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Hmm?all those Brewers concepts knocked me to page 2. Anyway, here are my revisions.


The top version is the original one I posted. The middle version has revised coloring, and I tweaked the snout and mouth a bit. The third version has a more realistic head and snout, and I added the tongue. A dog in this position would have its teeth showing, but I couldn't figure a way to portray them without a massive reconfiguring of the mouth.

c/c appreciated, thanks

Back-to-Back Fatal Forty Champion 2015 & 2016

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you didn't do these for Whitewater HS, did ya? cus they the Whippets too :D

anyways, i'm in between on #2 and #3, leaning towards 3 cus the head on it looks more like that of a running dog.


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They're for a concept for a fantasy football team.

I think I'm going to use #3, but with the eye from #2 (not sure why I forgot to copy the eye over). I have to touch up the outlines so they're a bit more consistent in weight.

Back-to-Back Fatal Forty Champion 2015 & 2016

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I think I like number two the best. The head looks like a whippet without losing that little bit of cartoonishness that is in the rest of the logo. Number three looks a bit too much like a pit bull or another breed of dog.

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lookin' good, duder!

Couple things: I noticed the face right away that the grey's should be reversed, making the spot cleans that up mostly but you should throw a spot somewhere on the body to to make it more consistant.

The revised head I think is still too big for a whippet. Greyhounds and whippets have heads that aren't a whole lot thicker than their necks, eh. Also the shape of the revised face looks more like a bulldog or another breed, not so much whippet.

These are all just minor things, because as it is it's already a great combination of idea and execution.

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Here is my high-school's Whippet logos.

Slightly modernized from the time I went there (we had a big block 'D' with a more basic whippet running through the middle, bigger than the current whippet.)


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