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Stuebenville AIFL becomes Stampede


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Those are pretty cool. The designer behind them did a great job. Has anyone seen the Lehigh Valley Bandits? It's pretty good, but it is too small on the GLIFL web site. It would be cool if someone could enlarge that and post it on here for everyone to see. I think it could look a little better though.

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Those are pretty cool. The designer behind them did a great job. Has anyone seen the Lehigh Valley Bandits? It's pretty good, but it is too small on the GLIFL web site. It would be cool if someone could enlarge that and post it on here for everyone to see. I think it could look a little better though.

I don't remember who, but I think one of the board members did the Leigh Valley logo.

Athletic Director: KTU Blue Grassers Football

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Apparently this league is really trying to grow(not ABA grow, but grow) placing new teams in Binghamton, Pee Dee(Florence,SC), Chatahooche Valley(Columbus, GA), Daytona Beach, Steubenville, Troy(near Dayton, OH) and an unconfirmed report of Cincinnati, OH

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Does anyone know who did the logo for the Lehigh Valley Outlaws? I wonder if they would post the logo on here along with the Port Huron Pirates.

By the way, I live close to Stuebenville. The horse in the middle of the logo, came from the high school score board. The high school team is called the Big Red, and they use a dark red horse for there logo. The horse stands like a statue around the score board and when the Big Red score, it snorts fire. At least it used to.

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Apparently this league is really trying to grow(not ABA grow, but grow) placing new teams in Binghamton, Pee Dee(Florence,SC), Chatahooche Valley(Columbus, GA), Daytona Beach, Steubenville, Troy(near Dayton, OH) and an unconfirmed report of Cincinnati, OH

You forgot Reading, PA. That is ABA growth. Six teams in 2005 and 7 maybe 8 expansion teams so far for 2006. Hey the balls look the same also.

Athletic Director: KTU Blue Grassers Football

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