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A Treat on Monday Night


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loving/hating throwbacks simply because they're throwbacks is a pretty short cited view. you need to look at each logo/uni on a case to case basis. i don't like the chargers' powder blues because they're throwbacks, i like them because imo they look better then the navy set. some throwbacks are better then then their team's current desighn (san diego chargers, buffalo bills, vancouver canucks) while some throwbacks are just bad (atlanta hawks lime green/blue, brewers ball-in-glove, new new york giants road uni). however the bad ones arn't bad because they are throwbacks, they are bad because they're just bad.

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Why not switch to the powder blues? It would really set them apart from the league. When the Bucs went out with the old and in with the new, they're uniforms had a slightly modern design that made them stand out in a good way (unlike they're orange uniforms), plus, imo, the Bucs uniforms are the best in the league. Maybe the Chargers should do the same with the powder blues, but that's just my opinion.

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Why not switch to the powder blues? It would really set them apart from the league.

Psst...The Titans and Panthers already wear jerseys with a similar light blue color.

But, I totally agree. I wouldn't switch to the throwbacks, but I'd take their current design now and replace dark navy with powder blue. Sooo sexy.

And cheerleaders in powder blue es muy bueno.

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this is also why I defend the Dolphins decision to add navy blue to thier scheme. the aqua and orange they use on thier own are bright colors that often get muddled together. They needed a third darker color to sort of offset that brightness. Black would have looked horrible, so thier decision to bring navy blue in I feel was a good one.

You have a valid point, but I will say that on the '94-'96 jerseys, the colors weren't muddled together, and both the home and away were the best set of jerseys the team's ever had. Clean, updated from the early 80's and late 80's, and the contrast between the teal and the orange (yes, there is contrast) without the extra white in the numbers was beautiful. No need to bring in navy and have it dominate the jersey with a drop shadow.

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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I am telling you, SD should bring back the powders full-time. SO timeless looking. Not in the "NFC black and blue division Lions Packers Bears," or the Giants/Colts Alan Ameche 1958 sense...


I spoke to someone last week in SD and he told me if they let the fans vote, the powders win in a landslide.

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Chris Mortensen on Monday Night Countdown said the team can get out of it's lease Jan 07 and the city is all kinds of trouble they have no intention of offering any type of package to the Chargers. Also the Saints owner is under all kinds of pressure not move the team by the nfl and it's owners. They will veto any move he attempts to make to San Antonio because of the fact that you have Houston and Dallas with teams there in Texas. Jerry Jones and Bob McNair who are very influential at the league offices will have none of it. Also the fact of it being a PR nightmare to up and leave the area after the hardships they have been through. The NFl is coming up with a plan to play next year in Baton Rouge and in the mean time they are trying to come up with a long term solution because it is almost certain the Superdome will be deemed unfit for use. So they will probably play at LSU until they build a new stadium. The Colts have a stadium deal in place so they are staying put. Mortensen made it sound like there is no other option for Anahiem/L.A. other than the Bolts. He said it is a pretty big development which will be dicusssed at length later this month at some more owners meetings. THere you have it I'm out of breath

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Chris Mortensen on Monday Night Countdown said the team can get out of it's lease Jan 07 and the city is all kinds of trouble they have no intention of offering any type of package to the Chargers. Also the Saints owner is under all kinds of pressure not move the team by the nfl and it's owners. They will veto any move he attempts to make to San Antonio because of the fact that you have Houston and Dallas with teams there in Texas. Jerry Jones and Bob McNair who are very influential at the league offices will have none of it. Also the fact of it being a PR nightmare to up and leave the area after the hardships they have been through. The NFl is coming up with a plan to play next year in Baton Rouge and in the mean time they are trying to come up with a long term solution because it is almost certain the Superdome will be deemed unfit for use. So they will probably play at LSU until they build a new stadium. The Colts have a stadium deal in place so they are staying put. Mortensen made it sound like there is no other option for Anahiem/L.A. other than the Bolts. He said it is a pretty big development which will be dicusssed at length later this month at some more owners meetings. THere you have it I'm out of breath

i agree it would look really weak for the league to just let the saints owner go POOF bye bye because of the hurricane. if they start with superdome demo next spring, you still have a new design to get approved (plus where's the money coming from to BUILD it, the league??) and then build the sucker. either way, the saints dont have their own place til 2009 or 2010.

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No doubt about it the Saints won't be playing in an NFL facility for quite sometime. The league is really pushing for the Saints to stay in Louisiana. Alot of owners spend their own money for stadiums .Robert Kraft of the Patriots did and it saved the team from moving to Conn. , Mass. had no intentions of funding a stadium. All Benson will need is some money for infrastructure and I'm sure the NFL can get involved to help the Saints out with the state of Louisiana on that front. You are right it will take a while though.

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i like the retro logo at mid field, but i'm not to happy about the retro wordmark in the endzones. the only thing in the current identity package that i like is the wordmark, so if they did go back to the powder blues full time i would want them to keep the current wordmark (with the colours changed of course).

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I don't hate the collegiate/powder blues (hey, even Michaels called them "collegiate blue" at the start of the game) because they're popular...I just have never, ever thought they were better than the darker versions.

We play as badly in them as the Broncos do in their orange alternates.

And after the way we've played in them so far tonight, I'm starting to go from a "it's okay a few times a season", to wanting to pile them up at mid-field and burn them. :cursing:

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i like the retro endzone too

and the old style logo (horse head) at midfield, too.

too bad the nfl wouldn't allow the full retro look with the numeral mark-offs on the field.

back in the day (67-71 or so), if you recall, the chargers had the 10 yard numeric mark-offs inside either yellow or powder blue diamonds. but the nfl today deems that the numerals MUST be of the ucla style font. no exceptions.

off on a tangent, when the saints play at lsu very soon, will the nfl allow the FIVE yard mark-offs at tiger stadium to remain in place so we can see for the first time on an nfl field five-yard numeric mark-offs since the giants played at yankee stadium in 1971???

doubt it. very much.


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